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"Defending the King James Bible"
Independent Fundamental Baptist
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" (Psalm 119:105)
Cooper P Abrams, III, PhD

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         "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be done with charity." (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

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    If you are a new believer and want to learn how to live your life for the Lord Jesus Christ these eight lessons for new converts will be a great help to you. God has given the new Christian very specific instructions as to how to live our lives for Him and thereby live the very best life possible. If you have been saved and have never taken a new converts class these lessons will greatly benefit you. God bless you as your study His word .

Here you will find links to a number of Bible study helps. There are links to Bible dictionaries, Nave's Topical Bible, Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary, Torrey's Topical Textbook, and man more!

America was amply forewarned of a second term Obama. Read the warnings here.

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Is Calvinism Biblical?

The book has been completely revised as of April, 2014
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       Calvinism and the Reformed movement teach that God in the past has decreed that He would offer grace only to a few people whom he has predistinated or elected to salvation. Furthermore the Calvinists teach that for most of the world, God withholds His grace and will not allow them to be saved. These are condemned by God's decree and born with no chance to be saved and destined to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.        Are these teachings biblical? This article will show that Calvinism is not biblical.
      Learn what the Bible says.

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by Cooper Abrams PhD

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    It has been said that the NIV is the most readable and accurate Bible on the market today and that it is based on older and more reliable manuscripts than the King James Bible.    In regard to the above statements an "acid test" is the only fair way to put the NIV and the KJV "to the test" as one might say... so get out your NIV, a pen and when you have completed the test I encourage you to then take a KJV and see the result...