Boldness, Brothers and Bowing to God's Will Ephesians 6:18-24 by Cooper Abrams |
Last week we read God's instruction to Christians concerning taking the whole Armor of God to prepare and protect ourselves from the assaults of Satan who is our dedicated enemy.
The provision of God for us is described in the pieces of armor dedicated and committed Christian are to wear who commit themselves to the battle in presenting God's truth to the world and in keeping ourselves from being defeated. To victorious and honor Christ, we are to "earnestly contend for the faith" as Jude 3 tells us.
The soldier of the Lord was to take and wear:
2. the breast-plate of righteousness, meaning a godly life lived in God's will doing what God tells us is right.
3. the feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. This then is the foundation and the cause by which we fight...that is to bring peace to souls by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
4. the shield faith wards of the fiery darts of Satan. Our faith is our belief and trust in God's word and in His provision and promises to us. Thus our faith is the reality of the knowledge of the sure outcome of the battles we fight.
5. the helmet of salvation protects the head. Our salvation is the heart of our being in God's army. Thus God provides for us a sure and absolute salvation that we cannot lose. God's helmet makes sure that we will be victorious not matter what the enemy tries to hit us with.
6. the sword of the Spirit , which is the word of God is the only offensive part of our armor. With God's word in hand, there is no weapon that can hurt or wound us. It destroys the lies of Satan and those who follow him. The effects of false doctrine and the teachings of cults and pagan religions are cut to pieces with God's word. Therefore it is imperative that we know the word and live it.
He who had these was completely armed and protected from the enemy. The fully armed soldier is a effect witness and tool to be used by God in winning the lost to Christ.
3. Prayer is God's provision that we can be in constant communication with Him.
4. The verse says we are to also pray with supplication to the Lord. That means we are to present our petitions to Him. Praying and asking for God's help helps us to be aware of our circumstances. Our petitions show that we are actively in the fight and requesting God's strength and help to be able to stand. God's will is that we be concerned enough and devoted enough to rely on Him.
B. Paul then asks for prayer for himself "that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel"
2. Like Paul this should be our request as well that we would be given "utterance." The Greek word translated "utterance" is the word "logos" which means word. It means we should ask that God give us what to say in witnessing to those the Lord brings our way. People come from many different backgrounds. People are having different struggles in life and most times we are not aware of them. Therefore it is imperative that we be guided by the Holy Spirit as the Lord uses us to reach out to others.
3. He also asked that he would be able to open his mouth boldly in making the Gospel known. Dear friends it is often very hard to share Christ and God's truth with people who have been taught false teachings. Most times people are defensive it you begin to witness and respond saying things like...
You must think you are better than I am." Often their religious beliefs are a part of their culture and they have been warned against even listening to a Christian who would try to give them God's truth. But a soldier must be bold. That does not mean disrespectful or crude, but he should so he genuinely cares for the person he is seeking to win to Christ.
But do not think it is easy and we are not opposed. I have seen so many times Satan move in and counter God's truth. I have seen him use friends, family, husbands, wives, boy and girl friends, business acquainces to draw a person who is seeking God's truth, away from the Lord.
A true soldier that gets the job done is brave, confident in his training, armor, weapons and cause. A Christian has the love of Christ given him when he is saved....and he needs to share that love with others.
2. There is real opposition from those who are in darkness and sold unto false doctrine and sin. It is a person attack upon us. I can be so easy to just turn and slip out of the battle. We each seek and want to live in peace. It is easy to keep silent and let the word do what it will.
3. But Paul make the point clear....we ought to speak...we ought to love people enough to reach out to them. We must accept that the unsaved will spend eternity in the everlasting punishment of the Lake of Fire. We ought to try to help the brother or sister drowning in this world of sin.
B. Paul commends Tychicus, who he calls a beloved brother and tells the Ephesians he would explain further.
ILLUS: There was a ten part series on TV called the "Brand of Brothers." It was the true story of a group of soldiers in Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. These men landed in Normandy on "D" Day and fought their way across Europe in one bloody battle after another. These men fought and died together had an inseparable bond of being in battle together. They were fast friends. They looked out and protected each other and most would have given their life to save a their brothers.
2. In Colossians 4:7 Paul said this brother in Christ was "...a beloved brother, and a faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord.
3. In Ephesians 6:22 and in Colossians 4:8 Paul says he sent Tychicus to them to be a comfort to them...implying that this dear brother was a comfort to Paul as well.
4. Tychicus was Paul's companion who added him in his ministry. Paul trusted him to delivers his Epistles to the churches and to carry his person messages to them. In fact the Epistle of Ephesians was delivered by the godly man.
5. It can be awful lonely when others abandon you. It can be so discouraging when you preach, and serve people and they seem to be disinterested and do not really return your love and care for them. Paul spoke of a man named Demus who had forsaken him. You can read the hurt Paul was experiencing because of this. In 2 Timothy 4:11, Paul says..."Only Luke is with me." Paul my dear friend was dishearten by the betrayal of supposed friends.
6. In Philippians 1:16 Paul tells of other preachers who were jealous of him, "The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds" They sought to "show Paul up" and put him down. I have personally experience that a number of times. Pride is an ugly thing, it causes contention and division. But I thank God for the few men who have shown themselves to be true brothers.
2. Is includes love. This one word alone can be the subject of dozens of messages. It means Paul wished Christians would truly love one another....not with lip service, but in truth. You know it takes effort to love others. It takes a special closeness to the Lord to be able to love and show it. True love looks for opportunities to be uplifting and supportive of others.
3. The phrase is "love with faith." Faith is the belief in God, and true faith is the whole hearted trust and acceptance of God's truth. What Paul is saying is that if they have faith....that presupposes they will have love in their hearts for the brethren and others. True faith is shown in the display and exercise of love.
2. Do you truly want the grace of God and His blessings? The message then is two the unsaved first..... Will you believe God and turn from a life of sin and rejection of God unto the peace and salvation that God given in salvation?
To the Christian the message is a profound one. Are you in the Lord's army. If you are saved God says you are. The question then is what kind of soldier are you?
I do not really need to give a list of faults and unfaithfulness of those who profess to be Christians. The Holy Spirit is totally adequate to bring conviction to the heart.
Is God then at this very moment convicting you of a need in our life? Then what will you do....will be believe and accept God's will....or go away sorrowful and the worse for you denial of God's will for your live.
Introduction: How many of you know how many messages that I have preached in this series on the Book of Ephesians? This series of twenty two messages begin March 18, and ends now December 16, 2007. If you are interested you can find them on my web site on the Sermons page.
1. the girdle of God's truth. That means we believe and follow God's word alone.
I. This Armor of God was to be taken and worn in battle in a state of constant prayer. (Eph. 6:18)
A. The Christian and soldier of the Lord is always to be praying and making supplications to the Lord. This teaches us the important truth that the was we are in is the Lord's and we are to go forward with His provision and support.
II. The Comfort of our brothers in Christ. (Eph. 6:21-24)
1. Our prayer should be in earnest as we remain in communication with our Commander.
ILLUS: I was seven years in service, with three years in the Army and four in the Air Force. In the Army I was in the Signal Corp and trained as a combat signal man or communicator. In the Air Force I was a Communications Specialist. The mission of those of us in the field of communication was vital to the fight we were in. Our job was to keep information flowing and keep all the various units and commanders in touch with each other so they could coordinate the fighting. When communications failed the battle was in serious jeopardy. Our job was strenuous, taxing, and we were under a great deal of pressure to keep the information flowing.
2. The child of God, is a soldier in the Lord's army. Each Christian has been given a talent and task from God. Ephesians 4:1 is God's orders that we "walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called." Chapter 4:7 explains that each believers is given a special measure of grace in the form of a gift that we can use to serve our Savior and Commander.
ILLUS: We need the encouragement an consolation of our Commander. In WWII when the Germans made their surprise offense in the Ardennes forest that was called the battle of the bulge. Our soldiers were taking heavy casualties. General Anthony McAuliffe was the commanding general who was defending Bastogne. When the Germans sought his surrender General McAuliffe's only reply was "nuts." Soon the word spread among the troops and moral soured. These cold, hungry, ill equipped soldier continued to defend Bastogne until Gen. George Patton, with his 4th Armored Division, Seventh Army arrived and drove the Germans back into Germany. As the 4th Armored raced toward the Ardennes, George Patton was in constant contact with his troops urging them on, always going before them. Folks, I can tell you that when you have a Great Commander and He is there with you in the can charge hell itself.
1. The battle of the Christian soldier is a spiritual one. Often times it is difficult to find the courage to witness to lost around us.
C. As Ephesians 6:20 clearly states....we are ambassadors for Christ. Paul says he is an ambassador in bonds. Being in bonds refers to being in chains or manacles. Paul was in prison in bonds because of the preaching the Gospel. The normal ambassador of a country is immune from the laws of the country he is sent to. He has "diplomatic immunity." However, Paul as God's soldier was in chains.
1. Paul was asking for prayer that even in his imprisonment he would have the boldness to preach the Gospel. It is difficult to be falsely accused and put in prison for preaching and then to continue to preach and do that which caused your confinement.
A. Paul wished for those a Ephesus now of his know of circumstances so they could pray for him better.
1. Tychicus was such a brother who stood by the Apostle Paul in the many times he suffered Satan's attacks.
C. Paul concludes this letter saying "Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen." <
1. The soldier of the Lord seeks to bring peace to those around him, to his family, friends, neighbors, fellow workers, and church family. Being in God's will the faithful soldier is at peace in his heart, though the storms be raging around him. Because he is faithful....he can help other find peace. The opposite is true of the unfaithful, uncaring and cowardly soldier. He cannot help himself let alone anyone else.
D. Paul closing statement is interesting. He says "Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity." In other words he is saying God's grace comes to those who love the Lord sincerely. The unfaithful hinder God's blessing in their lives. Grace is the unmerited favor of God, but the Grace of God must be accepted in faith. If it is rejected by a callous heart, then God's hands are tied and He cannot bless.
1. What will we do with God's message to us this morning. Will be believe it and see it as a personal message from our Savior to us....or will be display apathy and not really take this truths to heart.
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