Paul also says he prays in the spirit - was it just for him to pray in an unknown tongue.
(This was received as a response to my articles on the tongues movement). If we would battle the devil instead of each other, image how we could turn the world upside down for Jesus Christ. I don't agree with what you teach,but that's ok. I still consider you a brother and sisters in the Lord. Lets look at the real issue, which is Satan and not each other.
How do you account for the fact that Mormons and many pagan religions also speak in tongues and linguists have stated they found that modern tongues speaking was not confined to Christian churches? Is God giving the unsaved the His sign gifts?
But think about this: What is false doctrine and what is its source? Does false doctrine help God's people or can God bless it and those that practice it?
What is being practiced today is certainly not biblical tongues...that is a fact. What is being practiced is a reaction to learned psychological experiences. . . which falsely is said to be biblical tongues. Mormons, the oriental religions, the animalistic religions all practice tongues. How can they do the same thing that the Pentecostals and Charismatics are doing and have it come from God? I have never had a tongues speaker answer that question, by the way. What does 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tell us? It is not that ONLY the word of God, the Scriptures has God given to us to instruct us in God's ways and truth.
I would challenge you for you own good to take a pen and write down what tongues are to you and how it is manifested. Then take the Bible, God's word and see if you can find anywhere in it what modern tongues is experiencing. I will give you a clue and a place to start...."Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe."
Another Acts 2:2-4 with what the modern tongues speaker is doing "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." Is this what is happening when modern tongues is practiced?
Further read 1 Cor. 13:8-10 "Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away."
That which is perfect has come....God's completed word the Bible and we know longer need signs to confirm God's truth for He has given it to us in written form and preserved it for us.
If you are sincere in wanting to serve the Lord and live by His word...then you should study the matter in detail. My articles are written to assist the Christian who honestly wants to know the truth. Take an open Bible and serious study the material and prove by the word of God whether tongues is valid today or not.
I hope you do. "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." (Jude 3)
Romans 12:1-2
Lets read the passage again:
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
In chapter 12 Paul began this discussion of God giving the various sign gifts to the early Christians. 1 Cor. 12:1 says, "Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant." This states context and subject of this discourse which is instruction about the sign gifts. They were given to the early Christians by the Holy Spirit to those to whom He wanted use. [1 Cor. 12:18,28] The sign gift of tongues is only one of the supernatural gifts the Holy Spirit gave to the early Christians.
Please read the article at, which addresses the various types of gifts mentioned and how they were used. This is important to understand gifts and their purpose.
So Paul in the middle of this discourse (1 Cor. 12-14) on the sign gifts mentions the eternity of love and compares this to the temporal nature of the sign gifts. His point was that the gifts which were being misused by the Corinthians and were only important for a time and that they would cease when their function was completed and their goal accomplished.
The Corinthians had elevated the gifts and equated them with spiritually. Paul is says that true spirituality is based in love...not in temporal gifts used only for short period of time. Paul says true spiritually is not based in the practice of the gifts but in the condition of one's heart. Note what he says in verses 2 and 3.
Twice he says that although he does all these noble things he is nothing....without it being done in love. That makes the point clear....the Corinthians believed the practice of gift made them spiritual. Paul explains not unless it was service to the Lord and came from a heart of love. You see he was correcting their false idea and rebuking them for having a false spirituality. The same thing is being done today. Churches are teaching that the sign gifts equate spirituality and God in His word says they do not. They were a supernatural gift or talent given to individual believers to witness and teach others that Jesus was truly the Messiah (Christ) and the Savior of the world. The signs gifts were miracles that authenticated that the message taught by the Apostles and that their epistles were truly the word of God. The sign gifts were given as a testimony to the lost.....never as a badge of spirituality or special standing with God.
Note 1 Cor. 14:22, "Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe." Do you see the point Paul is making? The sign gifts...which were miracles....were given to speak to the hearts of the lost....not believers. By the way...the Greek word translated in our Bible "miracle" means "a sign."
The Pentecostal and Charismatic churches of today are teaching the same error.....tongues and the sign gifts were not given to edify or as a sign to believers, yet they is what they all teach. It is a plain as day they the modern tongues movement is in gross doctrinal error and this verse clearly states so.
1 Cor. 14 is a strong admonishment to the Corinthians rebuking them for falsely using the sign gifts and he implies they were being faked and instructs them on what is biblical tongues.
Paul then in verse 8-9 states, as we have stated before, that love never fails.....but prophecies, tongues and knowledge would cease. The question is not would they cease but when?
Verse 10 answers the question. It says that when that which is perfect is come they would cease. That means that which was at that time in history which only partially existed would be done away with. What then at that time in history was only partial? Answer... the special gifts given to men by the Holy Spirit to write the New Testament. The product of prophecies, tongues and knowledge would be the revelation of the Word of God. By the way the Greek word for perfect is neuter and refers specifically to a "thing" not a person. If this was a reference to Christ then the word would be masculine, which it is not. Some have stated that which is perfect refers to the Second Coming of Christ. Again the context is not about the Second Coming of Christ and again if it was a reference to Christ's return it would be masculine in gender.
At the time of the writing of the Book of 1 Corinthians only the epistle of James had been written. The other epistles would be written in the next approximate fourteen years (AD 54 to 68). The Jews had killed Jesus saying He was a false Messiah...yet on the day of Pentecost Peter preached that Jesus was the promised Christ and that He had come and born the sins of the world. The gift of tongues ...which was a few believing Jews testifying that Jesus was the Messiah in languages they had not learned to the unbelieving Jews, was clearly a supernatural sign to Israel that Jesus was truly the Christ. The miracles of healing that God did through the Apostles also authenticated that they were men of God and had the power and message of God. The sign gift proved they were truly of God and Jesus was the Messiah and Savior. There is no example in the New Testament of tongues being done for personal edification.
However, as time continued the Apostles and Paul inspired of God wrote the New Testament and John completed it in 90-95 AD. Thus the word of God was complete and perfect....and the sign gifts and gifts associated with the inspiration and writing of the New Testament were no longer needed and they ceased. In fact they ceased after 70 AD when Jerusalem was destroyed and Jews were dispersed all over the known world of that day. Judaism ceased to exist as the Jews were taken from Jerusalem and the Temple destroyed. They had rejected the Lord Jesus their Messiah and that ended the need of the sign gifts to authenticate that Jesus was the Messiah. The Gospel went then to the Gentiles who did not seek signs as the Jews did, but knowledge (wisdom) ...meaning the written word of God. 1 Corinthians 1:22 "For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom."
What is being done today is learned psychological behavior which mimics the signs gifts, but are not supernatural gifts from God. I believe honest God fearing people have been misled and therefore taught to do things that are clearly not biblical. They have been misled into thinking that speaking in tongues is something spiritual, but it never was as exampled that way by the teachings of the New Testament. I do not think that many of these people intend to do something wrong, but their leaders have been misled by the cunning lies of Satan and have been deceived. The tricks and deception of the Devil is always to offer something false as a substitute for that which is real and of God. True knowledgable prayer is that which is expresses one's heart to the Lord and communicates with Him has been substituted for some emotional unintelligible ecstatic speech. They ignore Paul's plain statement that "I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue." Jesus gave us the model prayer in Matthew 6:9f ( "f" means "following" "the following verses) and if God wanted us to speak in unintelligible speech would not Jesus have mentioned it? He did not and gave specific instruction of how we are to pray wording our prayers to honor the Lord and communicate with Him.
Further the Bible clearly teaches that all who believe in Jesus Christ are indwelled by the Holy Spirit which is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Yet, the Pentecostals and Charismatics falsely teach it is some "second blessing" given to only a few who seek it and speaking in tongues shows they have it. They falsely teach that receiving the gift of tongues was a act of seeking it and of exercising one's faith. Yet, nowhere in the Bible is that taught or found which makes it unbiblical. See my article at which explains what the Bible says about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Even on the Day of Pentecost when the gift of speaking unlearned languages was first practiced it was NOT a sign of receiving the Holy Spirit, but was the result of receiving the Holy Spirit and was a sign that Jesus was the Messiah. These 120 believing Jews receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit as Christ said they would in Acts 1:5 and as 1:8 says they were empowered to be witnesses of the Lord to first Jerusalem and into all the world. That is how God always used it, never as a sign to believers.
It is from the believing heart of a true believer that true spirituality is demonstrated...not the practice of false gifts. Further it is the word of God that tells us that we have the indwelling and power of the Holy Spirit...not some experience. We do not get our knowledge from our experiences, but from the Word of God. Our experiences are to be examined whether they be real by what God has said in His PERFECT word....not the other way around. We have that which is "perfect" to follow and that is the inspired written word of God. It needs no authentication and stands on its own merits and it teaches us what true spirituality is...which as 1 Cor 13 clearly says is loving and serving others, not in the false practice and pride of the practice of a false gift.
I hope this helps you understand this most important truth. Please study it and carefully read what God has said. My articles should help in your study. The modern tongues movement has done great harm to believers and the cause of Christ in giving a many a false sense of spirituality directing them away from the Word of God, and towards seeking emotional experiences which do not edify.
God bless you. Believe me I know the struggle you are going through with this and so many others who have been misled. Please believe God's word and what it says. It does not please God or edify us to be involved in false religious practices.
I am researching the matter seeking to explain what is "really" going on in tongues speaking churches. My research, gathered from independent studies by anthropologists, and linguists, shows it is a learned psychological phenomena. When the person is "worked up" emotionally in a Pentecostal service by music and loud chanting preaching, endorphins are released in the brain with gives the person a "high" and makes them feel good. You see the same phenomena being experienced a rock music concerts. Their false preachers tell them it is from God and these poor deceived people believe it, thinking they have received a blessing from God. Sadly, the opposite is true.
But that does not mean that it came from God. It is simply a natural response. Often when praying with someone, preaching, witnessing to some there comes a great emotion to my heart. Sometimes it brings me to tears.
Many times while setting here at my computer and working on a sermon or writing a lesson or commentary on the Bible I am overcome with the glorious truth I have read and of the greatness and wonderfulness of God grace and plan for us.
But it is not some special manifestation from God, but merely the Holy Spirit illuminating God's word and filling my soul...that is emotional. I remember many years ago one Sunday morning, going by the hospital and visiting a elder dear saint of God. She was having heart problems and it was serious. It was just she and I in the room and I kneeled beside her bed holding her hand and we prayed. It was a sweet and yes...I felt the very presence of the Lord.
I left and went to church and preached the message God had me prepare for that Sunday. We had a visit that morning who was traveling through our little town. After the service he came up and began to attack me because I was not a Pentecostal and saw the tongues movement is not biblical. He said he had so much more than me because he "felt" the Holy Spirit and he described his emotional experiences all the while criticizing me for not having the "Holy Ghost." What a foolish mislead men he was. He really knew knowing of God's word. I asked him if he could lose his salvation....and he said certainly if he did not continue to live for the Lord. Do you see....he didn't even understand salvation. All he had was some emotional experiences and no real biblical hope.
Well, I have rattled on too long. You stand for God....and do not let people who know really nothing about God confuse and mislead you. Their emotions are hollow....and most importantly....because they are not biblically based...are false and do not come from God.
You also asked if this could be from seducing spirits. In some cases I am sure they are. Demons are powerful and they work to deceive us. The cannot possess a Christian, but they can effect us in some ways. On a number of occasions I strongly believe I sensed or felt the presence of demons. The book of Jude is very clear that Satan sends false teachers into a church to destroy it from within (like Balaam in the Old Testament). These people will appear as nice people and will be well liked. But inwardly they are quite different.
Two years after I was saved our pastor resigned and took another church. We had a man show up one Sunday named Gene and he started coming to every service. He was a nice young man and everyone liked him. He was especially liked among our teens. In a month he was taking them to a Charismatic coffee house where hard rock "Christian" music was played. He began to coach them into speaking in tongues. He got some of our men into the "Full Gospel Business Men's Association" a tongues group.
I was at a lost...I felt it was wrong...and we had no pastor to lead us. So I brought ever book I could find in the tongues movement both pro and con, but mostly I studied in depth every passage in the New Testament that dealt with biblical tongues and the sign gifts. I soon found the whole thing was false and not biblical and began teaching it and standing against it before our congregation. They too studied and when the guy saw he was not being followed he left and the matter was settled. This man could have destroyed our church.
together....and our church voted to state in our church constitution that we would not accept any tongues speaker...or anyone who believed in the false teaching of tongues into membership. The first church I pastored and established in Utah, for several months before I took the church was an untrained man preaching for them. He allowed a charismatic couple to join that church and they have been a thorn in the side of that church every since. They are a nice and well to do couple with lots of money....but they have constantly caused confusion and misdirection in that church for now 19 long years. They influence has robbed that church of God's blessing over and over. I am absolutely convinced that the Devil sent them and has used them repeatedly.
Well sorry this is so long. I have seen so much confusing and seen so many lives destroyed by the tongues movement I cannot help but try to warn people against it. You know.... I love God's people....and I try to protect them as best as I can.
Biblical faith is based on believing and living the word of God...on accepting by faith the stated promises and teachings of God in His word the Bible. That is not blind faith. It is a belief that is based on God's imputable promises and God cannot lie. Nor does any biblical church teach that a saved person will not show evidence of their salvation.
You are correct in that all true believers are indwelled by the Holy Spirit, but that does not mean that all believers in the early church or today spoke in tongues. The New Testament records only tree times that believers received the sign gift of tongues. If you read my article you would have noted that. The New Testament never presents the idea that everyone in the early church had the sign gifts (tongues was just one). It is only mentioned once in Paul's epistles, in 1 Corinthians and he is correcting those who were abusing the gift and falsely using it. Paul in these three chapters corrected them. He did not promote tongues but instead said...."Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue" (1 Corinthians 14:19). If you read 1 Corinthians 12-14 you will see that. One statement Paul makes, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit was that tongues was a sign...
You say tongues is a sign that a believer has received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and they do not receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit after salvation and that tongues show they have received the indwelling. Yet, God says...that believers receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit when they are saved.... "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." (Romans 8:9) True believers show they are saved by the life they live following the Lord Jesus....not because they had a experience. Further a comparison of modern tongues compared to the biblical example found in the New Testament shows they are not the same...and not even close. Modern tongues is nothing like what is recorded in the New Testament and if you read my will point this out clearly making the comparison.
The above verses clearly teaches the opposite of what you teach. It was not a sign to believers, but to unbelievers, and specifically to unbelieving Jews who had not believed in Jesus as their Messiah. So, the Bible itself contradictions you assertion that it was a sign to believers of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. So, Sir, as a child of God, saved by the shed blood of Jesus Christ...who am I to believe....the teaching of your church which actually contradicts God word...or the Word of God itself? I think you know the answer to that.
An if you read the articles you would have seen that 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 clearly teaches states the sign gifts would cease when the Word of God was completed, and there was not longer any need for the sign gifts to authenticate that Jesus was the Christ.
You refer to Ephesians 1:14.....have you read the passage and the what it truly says.
Not sure where you got your interpretation of the verse, but whoever told you that was grossly mistaken. They failed to read the whole passage. Please note that the context of this verse is talking about a believer being sealed. A seal was used to denote that something was genuine, authentic, confirmed, or approved--as when a deed, compact, or agreement is sealed. A seal makes something sure; and confirmed, or established. Hence it is applied to believers, as denoting that they are saved and have the sure a inheritance and are approved of God.
The point of the passage is believers are told in a similar manner they are said to be sealed; to be sealed by the Holy Spirit, that is, the Holy Spirit is given to them when they were saved to confirm them as belonging to God. Further it gave them the new nature in which believers can obey and live a godly live and understand the word of God. Ephesians 1:13 says that after the person believed they were sealed by the holy Spirit of promise. Please read 1 Corinthians 2:12-14.
Sir, it is important when reading God's word and seeking to understand it, that you read the context of the verse. I have an articles at which explains the baptism of the Holy Spirit from the Scriptures and what the filling is. If you are truly interested in leaning God's word I suggest you read my article at which will help you understand the principles of interpreting the Bible....letting the Bible interpret itself. Many people have found it useful.
This passage and many others also refute your belief that salvation can be lost. According to the Pentecostals Jesus only made the down payment on one's salvation, and to keep one's self saved he must remain faithful and do good works. Your doctrine teaches that if a person fails...God rejects him and that salvation is only good for those who do not fail. That too is gross error and shows a complete misunderstanding of salvation. I have an article that address that error too at
Clearly you are very sincere in your beliefs and I do not question your sincerity. However, you are in a church that is in doctrinal error. You have been misled. If you will carefully and honestly study the articles, which your Bible open and seeking God's truth, you will find what is God's truth. Many people have written me such as you have, and I believe it was because God was working in their lives and seeking to bring them to the truth. God wants His children to live in truth. Some do the research and study and God leads them to the truth....others like all the emotion of the tongues movement and the feelings they get of experiencing what they are told is a spiritual experience and they remain in error.
If you want to understand the gifts of the Spirit you can read the article at . The article researches the gifts and explains in a scholarly and honest way what the New Testament teaches about the gifts.
If you are serious about knowing the God's truth, believing and obeying God's will research the matter thoroughly. It will take some time....but people who love the Lord "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15) I wonder what you will do?
I sincerely hope you will study the matter and believe God's word. If I can help you...please write.
The article at titled modern tongues "Modern Tongues Speaking What is really going on?" should shed some light on this for you.
The Pentecostal/Charismatic movement has destroyed the faith and ruin untold millions of lives of people honestly seeking Christ, but being lead into false teaching and practices. I have met many people who finally got out of that movement and their testimonies are very moving in their relating the confusion and heartache they suffered. Many others still are in it and I write to try and help them too. However, their tongues speaking is one part of the unbiblical practices these false churches and preachers. (Read what Jesus said inMatthew verse 13 - 20 also)
Only God's truth will save and free men from their sins and through truth can men receive the blessings of God. Even Christians can be deceived and misled that is what is happening.
Thanks for writing and expressing your opinion. By the way, biblical tongues was still valid when Paul wrote the Epistle to the Corinthians....what he said not to forbid was biblical tongues. But the sign gift ended when God allowed the Romans to destroyed Israel and Jerusalem and dispersed the Jews all over the known world and they had the written word of God. (1 Cor. 13:8-10) Judaism ceased to exist and be practiced and because the gift of tongues was a sign to the Jews, to authenticate the truth that Jesus was the Messiah. God ended this sign gift when it was no longer needed. My articles explain this.
"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I." (John 14:26-28) The Comforter is the Holy Spirit. Christ said He would leave the Holy Spirit to teach believers all things since He was returning to heaven. Yet, though absent in the flesh, Jesus Christ is with believers who are indwelled by the Holy Spirit of God. "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." (Romans 8:9) That that the word "Spirit" is capitalized meaning it is a reference to the Holy Spirit.
Jesus explained the coming of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit further in John 16, "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you. A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father." (John 16:13-16)
So Jesus explained He would send the Holy Spirit to believers and on the day of Pentecost the first Christians in this the church age, received the baptism of the Holy Spirit which He promised in Acts 1:5,8. The baptism of the Holy Spirit give the believer a new nature (2 Cor. 5:17) which enables him to live for Christ. (See 1 Cor. 2:10-15).
#3 A correct translation of Mark 16:17-19 reads "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." (Mark 16:17-18)
During the early part of the 1st Century all these things, including tongues, occurred as the Apostles and believers when forth preaching the Gospel. These were signs as the verses state to authenticate to the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah and Savior.
I have a series of articles at which address the signs that were present in the early churches, what they were and why the ceased.
Prophecies is preaching God's word. At the time of the writing of this Epistle most of the New Testament was not written and preaching was the only means of receiving God's word. The written word was not fact this Epistle was part of God's written form. 2 Tim. 3:16-17 and 2 Peter 1:21 both absolutely declare the inspiration of God's word or revelation to man....God's revelation was perfect. The word "perfect" in verse 10 is neuter, which means it refers to a "thing" not a person. If it was masculine it could refer to Christ and His coming, but that is not the case. Using the neuter ending on the word perfect precludes that it is a reference to Christ. The Greek speaking people who read Paul's statement would never make that mistake in thinking this word meant the second coming or to Christ. They understood the word's meaning from it grammatical case because the understood the language. Sir, this is a fact and if one wants to know what the verse is correctly saying you must accept the grammatical use of the words. Sir, God does not make mistakes.
If you will read the article at it will explain the grammatics of 1 Corinthians 12 and 13 that Paul used and give the correct interpretation of the verses. The problem is English is somewhat limited and people not knowing the Greek grammar of the words used make false assumptions. However, even then if they read the text exegetically they can see that the verses are referring to the giving forth of God's revelation in the early first century not the second coming. During that time most of the New Testament was not written and thus God used preaching, (prophesy), tongues (a sign gift in which the lost heard God's word in their own language which they knew was supernatural and was coming from God) and knowledge (which was the Holy Spirit giving the Apostles God's revelation which they wrote and God preserved) to speak to men.
When the New Testament was completed, God's revelation was completed, and there was no longer any need for these gifts and they ceased as Paul, under God's inspiration plainly states. The above mentioned article will explain the matter in detail.
Sir, further, what is going on in church and with individuals in no way even remotely resembles the gift of tongues as revealed in the New Testament. What modern tongues speaking people are doing is calling an orange and apple. Modern tongues speaking just is not what happened in the New Testament churches as my articles point out. ( Yet, people are misguided by misguided preachers and churches into believing what they are doing is biblical tongues and most will not look at the facts and realize what they are doing is not biblical tongues. Two reasons why.... One the sign gifts ceased as Paul said. Two what is called tongues today is not what happened in the early churches before God gave them the written word.
I also know that the exact thing, that is called tongues today and practiced in "Christian" churches, is a thoroughly documented psychological phenomena that is found also in most pagan religions and cults. My article at "Modern Tongues Speaking Explained What is really going on?" explains this also. That ought to also cause a modern tongues speaker to question what they are doing. Would God give them a special supernatural gift and also give the exact same thing to pagans and unbelievers? Extensive research has shown conclusively that modern tongues is not any language at all. I know you have heard all the stories of people hearing tongues in their own language. Have you tried to document this? Many have and it always is just a story..with not basis in fact.
The fruit of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements has brought the word con artists masquerading a preachers who are milking people of millions of dollars (pounds). They teach a false gospel that is based on supposed healing and miracles. Where as you do not find that is the emphasis in the Epistles of the New Testament after Pentecost when the institution of the local church. The New Testament emphasis is preaching God's word, telling them of Jesus Christ, of the wages of sin, and God's offer of grace so that people can be saved and believer's edified in the faith in their local church. Yes, as James states,God does heal when He deems it appropriate and He provides for His children. But not like what the modern faith healers preach. Healing and wealth is not the emphasis the God's word gives....rather it is the preaching the gospel. What is the prevalent message in tongues speaking churches...."tongues." Yet, Paul said, "Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue." (1 Corinthians 14:19) God emphasis is stated in Ephesians 4:11f. Tongues churches are filled with women who speak in modern tongues, yet Paul says they are to keep silent in the church!? 1 Timothy 3:1-7 says God only calls men to pastor and as preachers to lead churches...yet the modern tongues speakers have many women as pastors and preachers. Doesn't that ring a bell....? Why are these people ignoring and doing things contrary to God's stated word? Where is the this in modern tongues....? "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. (Acts 2:2) Three times in Acts is recorded biblical tongues and each time this was what happened. Is it not interesting and revealing that in modern tongues this is never present?
Lastly, if you believe God's word then you have to deal with 1 Corinthians 14:22 "Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe." (1 Corinthians 14:22) In every Pentecostal and Charismatic church modern so called tongues is said to be a sign to believers, whereas God says it was for UNBELIEVERS. Modern tongues is a sign to believers as to their "supposed" receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and to giving some "spiritual" statement given to the individual by God for the congregation. Sir, that is enough alone to refute modern tongues....
Tongues as a sign to unbelieving Jews in the first Century. It was a supernatural gift in which Jews who could not speak a foreign language could though the Holy Spirit speak the Gospel to other Jews who would heard God's word in their language. Paul in 1 Corinthians 12-14 in great detail explained what biblical tongues was and how it was being misused and abused in the early churches. It was still valid when 1 Corinthians was written, because the word of God was not completed, but in a short time the sign gifts ended. In the early churches they would hear that Messiah, Jesus, had come, suffered, died as was resurrected for the sins of the world and through faith in Him they could receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
Sir, think.........! Read God's word and compare modern tongues with the biblical sign gift by getting your truth from God;s word not some misguided church or preacher.
I hope you do....honestly.
Yet, the truth is there for them if they would listen and learn, but they are more interested in having some experience than truly worshipping the Lord in Spirit and Truth. Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice and will not follow a stranger (John 1:5). God also says the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to bring us to the truth and we have a unction and will know all things (1 John 2:20) Jesus Himself said in Matthew 7:21-23 that not all who call Him Lord are saved and they are actually workers of iniquity. I have come to the conclusion reluctantly that many of these people are not saved because they cannot discern truth from error. The believe the lies of false doctrine rather than God's word.
I would suggest you try and find a good Independent Baptist church in your area. Most of these churches believe God's word and practice it. There are some exceptions, but most are doctrinally sound.
Thanks for writing. I understand the pain you feel which is how any child of God feels who loves men's souls and God's truth.
However, even with the clear evidence of what is really happening to them and that what they are doing is exactly what is happening in pagan religions, and is definitely not what the Bible says happened in the early churches when biblical tongues was valid....most will not accept this truth. They are supported in their false practice by false teachers in doctrinal error and by their own emotions.
So all we can do is show them what the Bible says and pray they will believe God instead of emotions and false teachers. I wish I had a better answer....I deeply wish this because what they are actually doing is robbing them of God true peace and comfort. God cannot bless error. Rarely, do you find a tongues speakers that are spiritual mature. I have never found even one who were biblically sound.
Some of their doctrinal errors include: 1. A saved born again believer can lose their salvation if they fall into sin. 2. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a second experience not necessarily received at salvation. 3. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit will be accompanied by tongues. 4. One should seek to speak in tongues. 5. Most teach the "health and wealth" gospel. There are many other errors which include grace plus works salvation.
Many of those in these churches are not saved as evidence of their unbelief and sinful life styles. Others in the movement who truly saved have been misled and are sincere in believing the false teaching they have been taught. How do you know the different? The only thing I know is God says you will know them by their fruit.(Matt. 12:33)
Telling me I am wrong and trying to scare me by mentioning blasphemy is not the proper way to help people find the truth. We find the truth by studying God’s word...That is what I have done and continue to do. There is no question that what is being done today and called tongues is not what happened in the early churches. It is easy to make the comparison. That is what the person who seeks to know the truth does. They compare beliefs and practices by studying what the New Testament says and gives as an example.
Several things you may have missed. 1 Corinthians 14:22 say "Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe." (1 Corinthians 14:22) What you do not understand is what biblical tongues was in the earlier churches that were a mixture of Jews and Gentiles. In their services there were often unbelieving Jews who had never heard about salvation through Jesus Christ. In the early churches there was a mixture of Jews and Gentiles with different native languages. When these unbelievers heard the Gospel in their native language spoke by unlearned men, they knew it was a gift and miracle from God. That was why God gave biblical tongues as Acts 2:6-12 shows.
There never is even on incident of anyone speaking an unlearned language to other believers. However, when the gift was being used, the interpretation was for those who did not understand the language being spoken. There also is no record of anyone praying in"tongues."
You said that you knew of incidences when people heard a message from the Lord for others (windows of heaven opened). Never in the Bible do you find God telling us to hear from him through the speaking of an unlearned language. God plainly states in Heb. 1:1-2 and in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 God speaks to us through His word the inspired scriptures.
Do you think that God would give the gift of tongues to those who worship pagan religions, cults, and teach false doctrine? My article explains what investigation has revealed and yes....even the Mormons here in Utah who worship a man-god and seek to become gods themselves, speak in tongues. That should open a lot of eyes and most people are not aware of this.
Yes, I understand it is a very emotional thing you are doing. You thoroughly enjoy the practice and you honestly think it comes from God. However, I think if you read my article at you would understand what you are experiencing and it will be quite eye opening. I hope you are helped by my response. Many have. I do pray that God will direct you and you will “examine yourself to see if you are in the faith.” as 2 Cor. 13:5 states.