I am having trouble rationalizing this specific verse that no one knows when the Second Coming will occur, yet it appears that day can be calculated. From both the prophecies of Daniel and the book of Revelation we know the Tribulation will last exactly 7 prophetic years (7 years of 360 days each). Anyone living at the beginning of the Tribulation (when the Antichrist signs a treaty with Israel) could calculate the exact day of the Lord's return because we are told that the Tribulation will last precisely 2,520 days.
So when Jesus says no one can know the day of His return, how is He speaking of the Second Coming? Any insight you could provide would be very helpful.
The fulfilled prophecies all relate to His birth, person, work, message and death. Each have been fulfilled completely.
When Israel rejected Jesus as their Messiah, God postponed the promised kingdom for the Jews and as Acts 2 records instituted the dispensation of the Church Age which we are currently in. This dispensation will end with the Rapture of Christians living and dead in this age. Immediately afterwards the seven year Tribulation will begin (Daniel's 70th Week - Dan. 9:27). After the resurrection of believers in this age, God will once again begin to work with Israel and prophecy will once again go forward.
After Christ's Second Coming, He will purge the earth of sinners and then set up His kingdom on earth. Those who believed during the Tribulation period who were not killed will go into the Millennial kingdom in their natural bodies and will repopulate the world. Christ will rule from Jerusalem with a rod of iron and all the nations will come up and worship Him. Israel will be restored and their will be peace on earth.
Presently, there is only one prophecy that concerns Christians in this age and that is the resurrection (Rapture) of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
Answer: The context of Mathew 24 is that Jesus speaks of many signs will occur before the Second Coming and the end of the world. Jesus is answering two questions. The disciples in Matthew 24:3 asked two questions...."what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? The world does not end at the Second Coming. He addresses His Second Coming in Verses 28 and 32-51 is uses the parable of the fig tree as an example and continues to Verse 51. He is saying when you see these signs know that the end is near.? He says the generation that sees these signs will not pass away before He returns.
However, Jesus is not referring to the Second Coming in verse 36, but the end of the world as verse 35 states.
Verses 4-35 are about the Second Coming. Jesus then addresses the second part of the disciple's question....the subject of the end of the world. The Lord states in verse 35 that heaven and earth will pass away. Why? Because He is talking about the end of the world.
The biblical rule in interpreting Scripture is that there is no contradiction in God's word. If it seems like there is a conflict, the problem is with our understanding. We must then search further to fully understand what both statements or truths are actually saying. We do that by carefully studying each statement in its context and subject. Furthermore, we must be very careful not to read into the passages what it do not say. We let the words, and their context tell us what is being addressed and revealed.