It is already a cult and has been around a long time. There are some variances within the reformed movement but basically the all believe that God predesignated some to hell and in His sovereignty withholds his love, mercy and grace from most of the world.
Most also believe that "the Church" has replaced Israel in God's plan and that God is done with Israel.
Baptist who are accepting reformed theology are difficult to understand. Baptists are not Protestants yet the reformed movement is predominately Protestant made up of churches that "reformed" Roman Catholicism and began new churches. I am amazed that a Baptist would call himself by the name of a man who would have persecuted them unto death if they lived in Geneva in Calvin's time. Further, that Baptists would join the Protestant movement that has always hated and persecuted us is hard to understand.
Third, I am amazed that Baptist who claim to believe the Bible would allegorize, misinterpret, and deny God's word to establish a false theology that denies God's clear statements about Himself, salvation and Israel.
So.....Calvinism, and the reformed movement is a false religion with a false gospel and a false theology.....all the while claiming to be teaching God's word. They have cleverly taken the Gospel and twisted it into "another gospel that is not another."
Thanks for writing. God's word is "the" truth and will set one free....from all false religion.