Some contend that the Bible only condemns prostitution and forced immorality, and that sodomy, or homosexuality, in general, is not addressed in the Word of God. That this is not true is evident by the terminology used in the following passages of Scripture. The language the Holy Spirit uses in the N.T. to describe same-sex relations proves that God considers this a great wickedness, whether or not it is done with consent--"uncleanness" (Ro. 1:24); "dishonour their own bodies between themselves" (Ro. 1:24); "vile affections" (Ro. 1:26); "that which is against nature" (Ro. 1:26); "that which is unseemly" (Ro. 1:27); "reprobate mind" (Ro. 1:28); "effeminate" (1 Co. 6:9); "abusers of themselves with mankind" (1 Co. 6:9); "inordinate affection" (Col. 3:5); "them that defile themselves with mankind" (1 Ti. 1:10); "filthy conversation" (2 Pe. 2:7); "going after strange flesh" (Jude 7). Under the Mosaic law homosexuality required the death penalty (Le. 18:22-29; 20:13). The terminology used in the passages in Leviticus describe and condemn homosexuality in general--man lying with man, and woman lying with woman.
What does God think of sodomy?
(1) It is an abomination (Le. 18:22). (2) It bore the death penalty in the O.T. dispensation (Le. 20:13; Ro. 1:32). (3) It defiles the land (Le. 18:25). (4) It is the product of a morally reprobate mind (Ro. 1:26-28). (5) It is worthy of the judgment of eternal fire (Jude 7). (6) It can be forgiven and cleansed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God (1 Co. 6:9-11). Is sodomy a greater sin?
While it is true that there are many sins other than homosexuality and all sin is wicked before God, and while it is true that any sin can be forgiven through the blood of Jesus Christ, the Bible does not say that all sin is the same in its effect in this world. God did not pour out fire and brimstone upon Sodom because of its jealousy or covetousness or lack of hospitality. It was judged specifically because of its homosexuality (Jude 7). Though all moral sins are evil in God's eye, homosexuality is especially corrupt because it is a sin against nature itself. It destroys the very fabric of society, which is the family as defined biblically--a man and a woman united in holy matrimony rearing children to fear God and to be productive citizens. Homosexuality is to "change the natural use into that which is against nature" (Ro. 1:26). (This information came from the Way of Life Bible Encyclopedia, Version 3:5, 2000)
Answer: Saying people are born orientated to homosexuality is the current justification for being homosexual. It is the politically correct response to those who question those who practice this sin. The thinking is that it is okay to be homosexual because God made me that way. Sounds good, but it is not a justification for being homosexual.
First, how do we know that a person is born to be homosexual? Is there a scientific experiment shows this? The answer is no. This idea comes from psychologists who come to their conclusions based on the people they talk to. So, actually you are just left to accept the homosexuals word on it. They know that their actions are wrong and go against God and nature. So, to justify their sin they come up with this explanation that they think takes away their responsibility for their sin. Some naive people believe them and conclude they cannot help it....God made them this way so they are not responsible for their sinful behavior. It is interesting that the person you said asked the question said that all the homosexuals said the same thing. That is to be expected isn't it? However, it is a statistical fact that most homosexuals are recruited into the ranks of the gays. They are seduced by a homosexual and then chose to be one themselves.
There are several reasons some people "chose" to become homosexuals. One it makes them special and they stand out in a crowd. It is like teens or adults wearing clothes that are different or hair styles or body piercing. It makes them different and that get attention. People talk about them and they like the attention they get. Homosexuality is the same thing.
Another reason is it shocks people. It is often just way to get back at their parents, peers, school teachers, etc. Again it is a choice, not something they are born with.
A good example of this behavior is seen in the children of well known people who come out and proudly announce they are gay. The children of most people in the public eye are unknown. The do not get their names in the national news and no one knows anything about the majority of them. But Ms. Cheney and Ms. Gingrich for example are known by everyone. Why? These daughters say they are gay. Ms. Cheney is once again in the news because she is having a baby. Both these daughters have brought much heartache and embarrassment to their parents. They also make a lot of money doing it in speaking engagements and books. Can you see what has happened? Why did they "come out" and make a national issue of their homosexual life style? It was a way to become famous.
Some people also like the forbidden and psychologically are unstable for many reasons. They may come from a broken home, have parents who do not show them love, were abused, do not do well in school or are not comfortable with the opposite sex. (which can come from a number of reasons) They are seeking love and someone who cares for them. The are drawn to others like themselves and they "share" their emotional needs with each other. The fact is there are many people who suffer these same problems yet they do not become homosexuals. It is a choice they make in seeking love in the wrong places. The homosexual lifestyle is extremely destructive. The media and gays try to make it look normal, but interviews with homosexuals who received Christ as their Savior, reveal the ugly truth.
It is true that all homosexuals do not go public and draw attention to themselves. They would rather no one knows. These know their actions are wrong, and chose to do them anyway. They willing chose to sin because of the pleasure or benefit it gives them. Pedophiles also have chosen to practice gross sexual sins. They like the pleasure it gives them. They do not begin as pedophiles, but become sexually deviant and seek more and more gratification in their perverted sexual acts. Homosexual behavior follows the same pattern.
Think about this....even if it were true that people are born to be still is a choice. They chose to follow that sinful lifestyle. They do not have to practice homosexual acts. Think about this...are people born to be sexually promiscuous? All humans are born with sexual desires. But is it not a choice, to be promiscuous and to make God given sex a sin? Certainly it is a choice.
We who know and love God and His word should stand up and denounce all its ugly manifestations. Our young people need to hear the truth. God says that homosexuality is a gross sin.... "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." (Leviticus 18:22) (See Lev. 20:13, Romans 1:18-28) All men are born with a carnal nature that has a bent to sin. But we have God's word that explains to us what is sinful and is not. We are God's creation and He in His grace and mercy desires the best for us. He warns us of sinful behavior of all kinds. Whether promiscuous sexual practices or homosexual activity both are sin and God plainly says that sin is destructive in our lives.
Pastors, youth leaders, and parents need to teach our children the truth and warn them about the "wiles" of the Devil who seeks to justify and condone sin. This includes promiscuous and homosexual behavior. We need to teach them what true love is and a godly marriage.
I hope this help you explain this to your youth group. Young people are smart...they can see through these things. I thank God you care for them and their spiritual welfare enough to seek God's answers. I pray that you will be a strong and godly example to these young people and that God will use you in their lives.
Answer: The Bible says nudity it is immoral behavior. Man was naked before the Fall (Gen. 2:25), but after the man and woman sinned their conscience was defiled and God made coats and clothed them (Gen. 3:7,10,11,21). Ever since, God has instructed man to cloth himself because of the sinfulness of his thoughts (Matt. 5:28; 15:19). Nakedness is connected with immorality (Gen. 9:22-23; Exdos 32:5,6,25; Lev. 18:6-19; 20:11-21; Hab. 2:15). Nakedness is shameful (Isa. 47:3; Eze. 23:18; Rev. 3:18).
Before the fall, the man and the woman were naked and were not ashamed, but after the fall man's heart became darkened, and it became necessary that men and women be clothed. One of the first things God did after the Fall was to cover Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:21). Immodesty increases sin among men (Lev. 19:29; Prov. 7:10-13; 23:27-28). Some women excuse their immodest dress by saying lust is the man's problem, but Jesus Christ warned that fornication begins as lust (Mt. 5:28), and the woman who does not clothe herself properly is guilty of stirring up unlawful passions in the man. David and Bathsheba both were guilty in the transgression. Bathsheba should not have been bathing in a public place; David should not have gazed upon her nakedness. The Bible warns that "the strange woman," the immoral woman, can "catch" a man with her seductive dress and actions (Prov. 7:10-13). "Whether you realize it or not, men look at certain portions of the body, and it doesn't matter whether you think that is good, bad, or otherwise, they are going to do it. And if you wear clothing that attracts attention to that, you are just helping them in their sin. That's why a dress, unless it's too tight, is better than pants, because a dress does not draw the attention to that part of the body that people look at and lust after"
Therefore nakedness is the sin of fornication, because it undoes God's clothing man and exposes men and women to immoral thoughts. The nudist would protest and say that is not the reason the go naked.....that is a silly argument. Nudism is rebellious and abnormal behavior and serves no good purpose, but to draw attention to the a nudist naked body.