The Observations of a Baptist Pastor
to Mitt Romney's Speech
December 6, 2007

Introduction:    As a Baptist pastor and biblical Christian, my observations of Mitt Romney's speech is that his goal was twofold. First he sought to present himself as a patriotic American. In that he did an excellent job. My experience in living in Utah for over twenty one years is that most Mormons are patriotic and conservative Americans who believe in moral and religious values. They love America and for this they are to be commended and respected.

         Romney's second goal was to present Mormonism as simply another Christian denomination seeking to dispel the criticisms of Mormonism being a cult. Probably he largely achieved this goal as well. He speech stated his beliefs as an American, but he did not clarify what he believed as a Mormon. In that America is still in the dark. His speech was advertised as addressing his Mormon faith, but that was deceptive. Clearly his real goal was to present himself as a patriotic American hoping to mask his Mormon beliefs.

         Interestingly, he only used the term Mormon once in the speech. He also made no reference to the Scriptures of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He said little or nothing about Mormonism. He did make one revealing statement that only those informed in the teachings of the Mormon church would pick up on. He stated, "What do I believe about Jesus Christ? I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and the savior of mankind." His next sentence was an honest one saying, "My church's beliefs about Christ may not all be the same as those of other faiths."

         The truth is the Jesus Christ of the Mormon church is very different Christ as revealed in the Bible and in whom biblical Christians believe. This was verified by the current President and Prophet of the LDS church. He state on June 4, 1998, in a speech in Paris, France:

    "The traditional Christ of whom they speak (meaning traditional Christian churches) is not the Christ of whom I speak. For the Christ of whom I speak as been revealed in this the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. He together with His Father, appeared to the boy Joseph Smith in the year 1820, and when Joseph left the grove that day, he knew more of the matters of God than all the learned ministers of the gospel of the ages." (Church News, June 20, 1998, p70)

         What makes a cult is someone or a group who taking the tradition beliefs of an established faith and then changing or distorting the normal tenants of that faith or definitions of its terms to fit the cult's views. This is what the Mormons have done since their beginnings in the early 1800s.

         Romney left out an important word in saying he believed that Jesus Christ is the son of God. What he left out is the that New Testament declares that Jesus Christ is the ONLY begotten Son of God, who is God incarnate in flesh and the Second member of the Trinity. When Romney spoke he left out the words "only" and for a good reason.

         Mormons believe that Jesus was the first born son of their god. They believe their god was once a mortal man who was born on some planet out in the Universe and there lived a good and worthy life. He is only one god of millions of gods who rule planets out in the Universe. When their man-become-god died he was resurrected to a place the Mormons call the Celestial heaven. In the Celestial heaven he was rewarded for his good works and was exalted to godhood. This once mortal man was then given our planet Earth to rule by a council of gods that meets near the star Kolob. Kolob is near the center of the Universe. The Mormons have always declared their god has a physical body and is a god of "flesh and bone." They ridicule Christians who believe the Bible which says God is a Spirit.

         Mormons believe this new god, who has a physical body of flesh and bones, then came to earth bringing with him his heavenly family. He then with his many wives began to sexually produce "spirit children" in heaven. Although the LDS Church does not practice polygamy today, they do believe their god is a polygamist and has many wives in heaven. His first born "spirit child" was Jesus and his second was Lucifer or Satan. In fact Jesus, according to Mormonism is not the "only begotten son of God" but only the first of billions of their god's sons and daughters. This is why biblical Christians correctly state that the Jesus of the LDS church is the brother of Satan and likewise all people on earth are the brothers and sisters of Jesus and Satan.

         This is the doctrine of the Mormon church they call "preexistence." It means everyone who ever has been born on earth were first the offspring of their god and his wives in heaven. They believe that their god is married and there is a heavenly mother(s) as well. They teach that these heavenly "spirit children" are allowed to come to earth and get human bodies when humans have children. This is the reason Mormons have large families. They are seeking to provide mortal bodies for "spirit children" so they can come to earth and continue what the Mormons call "eternal progression." Eternal progression is actually the Gospel of Mormonism. Through eternal progression their man-become-god was able to become a god. Mormons believe that if they are faithful to their church and god, do the temple ceremonies, they too may be exalted in the Celestial heaven and become a god themselves. Is Mormonism a cult? The answer is emphatically "Yes." Their faith is not a Christian and not based on the clear teachings of the Bible. They deceptively use the name Jesus Christ and other Christians terms but give them LDS definitions. It should be noted however, that the LDS Church officials tell their membership they worship the God and Jesus Christ of the Bible. However, a comparison of the god and Jesus of Mormonism with the Bible, show they are completely different.

         I whole heartily agree with Mitt Romney, that as Americans we are free to believe as we wish. We have the right, guaranteed by our Constitution, that we can freely worship any god or faith we wish. I will and have defended this country and the Constitution of the United States. All Americans have the right to believe what they wish. In this I have no disagreement with Mitt Romney, but I do think he should be forth coming as to what he believes as a Mormon.

         One should not present themselves as Christians when they are not. Romney wisely did not state that he is a Christian. In this he showed honesty and that he knows he is not a biblical Christian. In my opinion, Romney seemed to try and distance himself from the idea that his religious beliefs would effect his decisions if elected president. Any logical person knows that is not true. A person's beliefs will effect how they think and look at matters.

         However, every American has the right to know the truth about what any faith believes. They should not be misled into thinking they are voting for a Christian when they are not. The LDS church's beliefs, practices and teachings show it is not a Christian church nor believes the Bible. A true Christian should not seek to be deceptive and hide their true beliefs. If one believes their faith is true, they should openly and without apology proclaim and defend their faith. That is not what Romney did. It seems he instead choose to continued the deception that his church has promulgated since its beginning. He continue to present himself as being a part of just another Christian denomination. That is the reason for this article. Americans should have all the information when they evaluate a candidate for any political office and especially that of the President of the United States. Mitt Romney is not a biblical Christian and should not try to past himself off as one.

        If you would like to read more about the beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints please click this line.

Article: "What Doest Mitt Romney Believe as a Mormon?"

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