Message 2 1 John 2:12-14 by Cooper P Abrams III |
INTRODUCTION:   A young man was being asked questions about his occupation of diving for exotic fish for aquariums. He said one of the most popular aquarium fish is the shark. He explained that if you catch a small shark and confine it, it will stay a size proportionate to the aquarium. Sharks can be six inches long yet fully matured. But if you turn them loose in the ocean, they grow to their normal length of eight feet.
               That also happens to some Christians. You put them in a church where they are not taught and they will be cute little six inch Christians who swim around in that little puddle. But if you put them into a larger arena – a church that teaches them the whole counsel of God's word they grow greatly and become eight foot Christians for the Lord. That is why I work as hard as I do at teaching and challenge so often the people in this church to participate in all our services and to study God's word and grow spiritually in the Lord.
Jesus spoke of the progression of growth referring to the growth of grain. "For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear." (Mark 4:28).
2. In verse 12, he used the words "little children". This phrase has nothing to do with age. It means one's OFFSPRING. It could refer to a child or and 90 year old. It has nothing to do with infancy.
3. He then divided the "little children" or offspring into three categories:
Little children, young men, and fathers. He is using them as illustrations of three levels of spiritual growth.
2. He says one thing about them ...THEY KNOW THE FATHER.
3. That's about all an infant knows is who is his parents, he doesn't know much else.
2. Verse 14 says, the young men are strong and the Word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one. It is a knowledge of the Word of God that one feeds on and which nourishes them to maturity. You cannot grow without food.
4. Note the "young men", are strong, because the Word abides in them. They were taught the word of God and they learned their lessons and it has made them strong.
The principles the Bible teaches, have become more than words in a book to them. They are words to live by. The lessons in the Book, are their source of wisdom to made the daily decisions each of us makes.
Paul said in Ephesians:
Satan is the master deceiver! Many saved people believe and do wrong things in sincerity, thinking they are right.
But not the mature believer. He is not so easily deceived. He knows the principles of the Word of God, therefore when Satan cunning twists the Scriptures and uses half-truths, he knows they do not fit.
I have many times reminded God's people that Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice and will not follow another."
There are sheep no doubt outside the flock, the are wandering around on their own, but that just proves they are spiritually sick.
They are not mature, and healthy sheep. If they were they would be in the fold with the other sheep that the Shepherd made for them.
2. The father is said to have known Him, "who is" from the beginning. It means a deeper understanding than just know his identity. This is referring to a close relationship.
Then after growing in the Word of God it becomes to abide in you and you go on to an intimate close relationship with Christ Jesus.
2. You can look into yourself, as the NEW AGE advocate, the late Norman Vincent Peale of Guide Posts Magazine says. In you is a spark of divinity, and all you need do is fan it.
3. No so, you do not look inside you for truth, but inside the pages of God's word!
2. The rebellious child is at odds with the flock and most times is found outside wandering aimlessly around.
When the dogs attack, it has no comfort from the flock, because it has chosen to go its on way.
It does not have the full protection of the Shepherd or the flock. The Shepherd still loves it and would care for it, but He can not make it do right.
2. To the lost, the glory of God, means nothing!
Did the son love his father??? NO he didn't. The shame he brought on his father meant nothing to him.
In the same way, a lost man cares nothing for the God who created him. The glory of God means nothing to him. If he ever notices God, it is in a time of trouble and his prayer is always one of asking for something.
2. Many a person who has professed to be a Christian, has been baptized, joined a church, but continued to live like the world does. Can you see that there is a real problem in someone's life who says they are a Christian and doesn't live like a believer. Jesus said to the Pharisees, "Why do you call me Lord, Lord and do not things I say."
3. So many we see, live with the same life the world does. They love the sinful things the world does. And God's children are aware what is sinful and they have the Spirit of God in them and are able to see how destructive sin is in their lives, in their families and friends.
4. God's child love cleanliness and purity. They see themselves a God's children and want to honor the Lord. They want to see their family and friends saved and living for the Lord. They want their lives to bear fruit. The know the valve of being a Christian before their family and friends and the world around them.
They love God and want to honor and glorify Him, because they are His adopted children.
They know what they were before God saved on them and saved them. God's love transformed them, for he took them from the filth of sin, and put them into streets of pure gold. God washed away they sins, and made them pure.
1 John 1:5-7 says, "This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin."
Does bringing glory to God mean anything to you.
Does the fact that every time you sin, Christ suffered great agony because of it, mean anything to you?
Jesus said, "He came to save the sinner from his sin.
God wants to save to today, to make you a child of God.