Biblical Fellowship 1 John 1:1-4 by Cooper P Abrams III |
1. Purpose of the letter is to impart this new life to those who would read this epistle.
b. Some seek it in...yes...religion...that too is wrong place and will fail you.
There are lots of religious people in Hell at this very hour....
Religion is man made and not of God, Webster says religion is belief in a divine power or powers to be obeyed and worshipped.
...Lots of folks believe in a god, and yet do not know the ONLY TRUE God...Paul in Acts 17 on Mt. Olympus, said Athenians worshipped many gods, yet they did not know, the only true God that created them and that they were responsible to. Paul then introduced them our real God and Savior.
These people has a religion they actively practiced and believed in, but it was not of God. Webster says that religion is the expression of belief in conduct and ritual.
That is the heart of religion: Conduct and ritual.
c. Dear friends that's not what John tells us about n God's word the Bible! Lets look at the things he does say...!
Question is "How can a person really truly know be save and have fellowship with God?" John says the believer can. . . and in fact a truly saved person who by simple belief puts his faith and trust in Jesus Christ can have their sins forgiven, be given eternal life, heaven when they die and present fellowship with the Lord. The Bible explains this fellowship is possible in three ways.
B. So the basis having this fellowship is in first knowing it is truly possible and obtainable.
2. Romans 10:9-10...."if thou shall confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus and believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead...thou shall be saved"
Note that the pronoun "Him" in verse 3, refers to that who is spoken of in verse 1 and 2.
Revelation 19:13, specifically refers to Christ as the Word. In Armamic and in the Greek language the way the word is used is understood as a designation for God.
John 1:14, states that the Word, was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory.
2. In 1 John 1:3, is saying that the fellowship he is talking about is with Christ, our God and Creator.
2. Gen. 1:26, states of all that God created only man was made in His image. Only man was given the authority to rule the world that God had created for him.
3. In Gen 2:4-25 the facts of creation are stated as they relate to man.
The One they fellowshipped with is Christ himself in a preincarnate appearance of Christ.
2. After the fall of man, when they sinned, God because of their sin, had to separate himself from them.
The first result was a separation of God from man in communication or a spiritual death. Next came death and physical separation from the the earth that God had created for man.
2. Again, when man sinned the glory of God, departed from them and the Shekinah Glory of God left the tabernacle.
B. How is fellowship established, and how do we know we are in Fellowship?
Walking is the Light, means walking in the path God has lit up!
2. When family has a for the good of the family....for its benefit,,,for the benefit of individual members.
3. V7..if we walk in the light, as God is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
Say it another way, If the professing Christian, is an active part of God's program in his or her's local church, they are living faithful to Lord in their personal life and are in truth being lead of the Spirit, then those folks are truly in fellowship with God, because they have been cleansed from sin by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus says if you are an onlooker..then you are not in fellowship with the Lord.
You see true salvation is in the person of Christ!
It is not in a acceptance of a system or a church or a ritual.
I am a Baptist, yet my first loyalty is to Christ my Savior and His word. My only loyalty to being a Baptist is only when they are loyal to the Word of God and faithful to Him.
God wants to establish fellowship with you. He wants to save you, forgive your sins and then begin to communicate to you through the Bible his word.
You can ignore Him. He will not violate the will He gave you. Yet he has gone to great links to reach you with the truth that He might come into your heart and establish an eternal relationship with you.
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