The Calling and Charge of the Faithful Soldier of Christ 1 Timothy 1:12-20 by Cooper Abrams |
2. As a Servant: God will enable him to do the work he is called to.
3. As a Soldier: God has equipped him for battle.
Word "ministry" KJV is the Greek "diakonia".
2. Same word we get the word "deacon".
His calling was of being a servant to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the children of God. One cannot serve the Lord Jesus without serving others.
Some may misconstrue the distorted idea and think the pastor is to be "church waiter." Acts 6:1-7 dispels this false idea when the Apostles were relieved of the menial tasks needed to be done in a church by appointed servants. Churches today, following the false ideas of the Roman Catholic and Protestant church have changed these duties of appointed servants (called today "deacons" to positions of leadership. But that is not the biblical example. These servant were appointed to menial tasks, not leadership, to take the load off pastors so they could study the word of God and meet the spiritual needs of the congregation.
The pastors area of service is leadership and directing the church as God directs and leads him (See Ephesians 4:11).
The Protestant view is in error as the pastor being the church lackey.
D. The Pastor's qualification is simply the grace and call of God. v13
Paul is saying to Timothy, if God can make a missionary out of a murderer, he can surely use you. Thus the motivating forces in Paul's life was Grace, Love and faith.
G. Paul recognizes his true sinful nature and calls himself the chief of sinners.
Many areas of the preacher's life needs to be examined including one's finances and credit standing. A poor preacher can have a good testimony where money is concerned. An example of self examination would be to ask "Have I been in debt since I surrendered to preach. I have asked myself why? The answer may show poor planning or a lack of faith. But in the public view does my obedience serve as an example to others. Turning one's back on wealth can stress the importance of serving God, and being committed to his will. However, there is nothing spiritual about living in poverty. God provides adequately for those who give Him their all.
"Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also" (John 15:20 ).
C. Timothy when ordained a preacher had predictions made concerning his service.
The preacher who forgets his calling and where it came from is in serious trouble. His only course is that of following God's leading and His subsequent empowering.
D. Paul "charges" for orders Timothy to V19:
Conscience: means "to know with" or to have a co-perception of the task and means at hand. Based on the principles in God's word, Timothy was to be his own inward judge discerning the leading of the Holy Spirit. It is an inward wisdom or in a sense a "feeling" of uneasiness or peace about a thing that comes for God.
Christians can have a good conscience and be correctly lead be it. However, a Christian must to looking to serve and be in close fellowship with the Lord. With our consciences the statement often made about computers rightly applies "Junk in Junk out."
The command was to hold to the faith. In other words know the truth and hold to it. Your conscience will be effected by it and lead you to do what is right. However, it is much more that just knowing the truth, it is having the commitment to it. It is being dedicated to living and teaching others this wonderful truth that frees and satisfies the heart and soul.
E. There are always those who are disappointing to you and discourage you in the ministry.
It must be recognized that disciplining a wayward and rebellious church member is not easy for a church, an experienced pastor, or in this case young Timothy. It was a difficult task to face these men with God's truth, but he had to do it if he would preserve the purity and power of the church. There would be less false doctrine today if Christians had withstood the false teachers and disputers of yesterday.
We should note that Paul called them by name. He openly identified them as "making a shipwreck of the faith" or destroying the faith. 2 Tim. 4:14, he stated Alexander the coppersmith had also done him much evil.
J. Vernon McGee said that the act of "delivering them to Satan" was a special thing only an apostle could do. I strongly disagree. I believe it basically means that the are left alone to the devices of the Devil and were disciplined by the congregation. Matthew 18:17 states that the believer who will not repent after being confronted by the congregation should be treated as a heathen or a publican.
Basically, it means, they will reap the just recompense of their sin. There are times when you can go so far, and then you must "back off" and let them go there on way. Jesus said not to cast your pearls before swine.
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