Introduction:   The next prophetic event in history that the Bible foretells is the rapture of all believers, both alive and dead since Christ instituted the local church (Ekklesia - Assembly) in Acts 2. Following the rapture the coming Antichrist will appear and this will begin the seven year Tribulation when God is finishing the Old Testament dispensation that was temporarily halted after His resurrection. God offered to Israel a kingdom on earth where they would dwell in peace and worship the Lord. Jesus came as the Messiah who would bring this kingdom to Israel, but the Jews rejected the Lord Jesus. God then as Acts 2 records instituted the Church Age we are presently in. But at the rapture the Lord will remove all believers in this age from the earth. He will them begin once again to finish the Old Testament dispensation. History shows that only 483 years of Daniel’s 460 years prophecy of the Messiah beginning the Millennial Kingdom has transpired. The coming seven years will finish God’s working with Israel and usher in the 1000 year reign of Christ as Daniel 9:24-27 prophesied. Note verse 24 sets the time table. Thus the next prophetic event is the rapture which is followed by the seven years of Tribulation. In the seven years there will be "the man of sin" revealed, who will come to power, ruling most of the world. He is the servant of Satan and the enemy of God. Let’s look at this evil man and what is in store for the world. I. THE APPEARANCE OF Anti-Christ - Dan. 8:23-25 Our text tells us that in the end times, a fierce king will stand up. But, what are the signs of his appearing? Can men know when this man will appear? The answer to that question is both "Yes" and "No". I am certain that no man knows who the Antichrist is or exactly when he will appear, but the Bible does tell us that there are certain signs that accompany his appearance. It is these signs that I would like to look at for a few minutes.) The number of the Antichrist...Revelation 13:18. Those who read and follow the Bible will be able to know who the Antichrist is after he appears. God gives us his number to identify him. "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Most people believe it is connected in some way to computers. Verse 17 says that people would not be able to buy and sell without the mark of the beast....666 in their foreheads or in their hands as Revelation 20:4 states... We do not know what it will be....but be assured at the time he is revealed men will know. In the day the Antichrist appears this number will identify him to all on earth. There will be no mistaking the fact that his number is 666 and all will know who he is. A. The Condition Of The World - when this man makes his entrance, the world will be in a terrible moral condition. This is evidenced by two passages that make reference to the end times, Luke 17:26-29 ; 2 Tim. 3:1-9. It is easy to see that our world already bears the marks that suggest a fulfillment of these conditions. It is my conviction that the world itself is ready for Antichrist to appear. If the rapture and Tribulation are close, tt is probable he is alive today and making preparation B. The Corruption Of Religion - 2 Thes. 2:3 tells us that the Antichrist will appear during a time of a religious apostasy, which the Bible calls "a falling away." This does not mean that religion has disappeared, but to the contrary religion will be flourishing. Not biblical Christianity, but false religion, cults, and apostate churches, and leaders. This refers to a time when organized, visible religion will depart from the doctrines of the Word of God. Since the New Testament was written for and about believers, it makes sense to conclude that this falling away will be apparent in churches and denominations which operate under the umbrella of Christianity. ILLUS: It is sad to have to say this, but I hope everyone understands that just because a church or denomination calls itself a Christian, that does not truly make it so! In fact, the days in which we live are marked by a rapid departure from the foundational truths of Christianity . There was a time when, if a man said he was a Christian, you pretty much knew what he believed. That is not true today. There might have been a few differences, but for the most part, this person believed in the virgin birth of Christ, the substitutionary death and resurrection of Christ, the return of Christ, the fact that the Bible is the Word of God. In other words, a Christian was a person who was in a personal relationship with Jesus and accepted all that the Bible teaches concerning Him and His work. Now, however, things have changed! A person may deny the virgin birth, the deity of Jesus Christ, miracles, deny the Bible is the inspired and perserved Word of God, and still claim to be a Christian! He may be a member of a main line denomination or of a cult and call himself a Christian. A person may call themselves a Christian and cast doubt on the accuracy of the Bible. A person may doubt that Jesus really died and rose from the dead and still claim they are saved. Something is wrong with this picture! We are living in the midst of a "great falling away!" Cults are growing by leaps and bounds while genuine Christianity consistently finds itself under the gun from society, government and organized religion.) Many churches have become a part of the modern phenomena called the "emerging church." This emergent movement proclaims that we living in a new age and we must change our methods and message to meet the modern mindset. It disregards doctrine, is ecumenical, based on presenting their message through entertainment and emotion. Their message is not the Gospel, but a false teaching that stresses emotional based feel good services. It is a philosophy based entirely on pragmatism. Do what ever appeals to people and appears to work. Preaching is to them a blending of psychology and scripture. Worship to them is an emotional experience. They are not interested evangelism and seeing sinners saved. The emphasize the present and social needs such as healing, and financial. One of their leaders, Brian McLaren said it bothers him when people asked him what is the way to heaven and Christians say the Bible has the only way to heaven. He denies the primary reason Jesus came to earth was so that men could believe and go to heaven and avoid going to hell. Jesus said, "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." (Luke 19:10) Brian McLaren and those in the emerging church movement are in apostasy. ILLUS: Just this summer the Southern Baptist Convention took steps to remove from their doctrinal statement try and stem the movement in the SBC to further liberalsim and modernists approaches to the Gospel. This move brought cries of protest from the world and from the liberal crowd within the convention. This is just another indication that the tide is swiftly turning against those who believe the Bible and who know Jesus Christ. ILLUS: When denominations have to take votes on whether to marry homosexuals, or to allow homosexuals to be ordained, something is wrong! There are things that are so firmly stated in the Word of God that there should never be a question about them. However, we are seeing every major doctrine under attack. We see churches and denominations turning away from the truth with alarming speed. Truly we are in the midst of apostasy! This simply paves the way for the Antichrist and his false prophet to come to power If this is the case, then what hinders the Antichrist from appearing at any moment and what keeps the Tribulation from starting? There is one event that must take place before the Antichrist can be revealed and before the Tribulation Period can commence. C. The Completion Of The Body of Christ - 2 Thes. 2:1-12. Verses 6-7 These verses teach us the truth that the Christians must be removed before the Antichrist can be revealed. Verse 6 tells us that there is something that "withholdeth". When it is removed the "he" meaning some man will be revealed in his time. That clearly is a reference to the coming Antichrist. READ verses 8-10 Verse 7 says that there is One who now "letteth" will let until he be taken out of the way." The two words "will let" are translated from the same Greek word and both mean "to hinder". The Bible tells us, verse 7, that the spirit of Antichrist is already at work. That is why we can see the evidence all around us. However, there are two forces that hinder him from stepping onto the stage and making his presence known. What are those two hindrances? First is the ministry of the Holy Spirit who is restraining Satan and keeping him from destroying the world. Second is the presence of Christ’s body on the earth...that means Christians. The work of the Spirit in convicting and judging the hearts of men is a tremendous retraining force in the world as John 16:8-11 states. The Spirit's work in filling the Christians is to stand against the tide of evil is also a great hindrance to the work of the spirit of Antichrist. However, one day, both of these forces will be removed! When? At the Rapture! I personally believe, after forty years in the ministry, that the Holy Spirit is being so quenched among church members today that little is being done to win the lost and serve the Lord. Many churches are like the Laodiceans who are not hot or cold. Part of the Holy Spirit’s work is in restraining the devil and his demons. If He stopped His restraining work...the devil would destroy us all in short order....but God has a plan and in His love He is extending mercy and grace to all who will believe in this time. A false idea that is popular among the doctrinally unsound preachers and churches today is called the Pre-Wrath Rapture. It says Christians will go through part of most of the coming seven year Tribulation. That is absolutely not true. I have written a paper on this subject and it is posted on my web site It is worthy to note at this point that the Tribulation is not for the Christians living today in this dispensation! It is called, "the time of Jacob's trouble", (Jer. 30:7). Jacob was the father of the 12 tribes of Israel and God changed his name to Israel. Thus the Tribulation is God working again with Israel. It was told to Daniel that the Tribulation was a time for Israel, Dan. 9:27. The Tribulation Period is also known as a "time of God's Wrath.", Rev. 6:16-17; Rev. 16:1. The Bible clearly teaches that God's children have been saved from wrath through Jesus, Rom. 5:9. One of the greatest proofs that the Christians will not see Tribulation is Christ's promise to the church at Philadelphia, Rev. 3:10, "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.") Daniel 7:7-8 - says that in the rise to power of the Antichrist called here the fourth beast....the Revived Roman Empire.... there will come "another little horn." The Bible says the signs of the end times will be a great moral decay which we are seeing today. This will not only be a great moral decline, but will also be a coming apostasy within once biblical churches. John in first and second Epistles mentions something about the spirit of the Antichrist, which is the spirit of Satan, saying he has been working since New Testament times. (1 John 2:18,22; 4:3; 2 John 1:7) II. THE ABILITIES AND INGENUITY OF Antichrist. Dan. 8: 23-24 A. He Will Be A Man Of Popularity - "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." (Revelation 6:2) Revelation 6:2 tells us that this man will appear riding a white horse. The color white is thought of as being pure and upright, however this is part of his deception. He come as a man of peace and present himself as having the solution to the world’s problems. He promises to bring financial prosperity. He will embody all the world has ever looked for in a leader. He will be "given a crown" meaning he will be given power to rule the world. The peoples of the world will embrace him as a godsend. No doubt this man will arrive on the scene with a plan for world peace. He will also have a viable explanation for the disappearance of the Christians in the rapture. My friends, whether we will admit it or not, the world stage is set for the appearance of such a man! He will be popular! B. It is Amazing that this man who will bring such destruction to the world , He Will Come As a Man Of Peace - Rev. 6:2 tells us that when he appears, he will be like one riding a white horse. This gives him the appearance of good and gullible people want change and prosperity will accept him. It also states that he will have a bow, but no arrows. This indicates that he will not come making war, but will come making peace. This is proven by what Daniel saw in Dan. 9:27. It seems this man will make a 7 year peace treaty or covenant with the nation of Israel. On April 14, 1948 an event happened unparlleled in history, Israel who have been dispersed all over the world for 2000 years became once again a nation in the land God had given them. Since that day, there enemies, the decendents of Ishmael, the modern Arab states have been trying to destroy them. Only the United States and Britian weakly stand with Israel and under our present president and prime minister of England, that support is fast eroding. All the major nations on earth are in danger from terrorism. The threat of ISIS and they are growing in power. Even the Arab states are at odds with each other. Again, it can be clearly seen that our world is looking for such a leader to bring peace The world is tired of war! Economies are in need of help and people want to prosper and dwell in peace and safety. The world will readily embrace a man with a message of peace. Russia now also is a threat as Putin wants to bring back the Soviet Union. He has already invaded Ukraine and now is in Syria. Do you understand that the coming war in the Tribulation will be lead by Russia with the northern nations including Iran which is ancient Persia. The Bible says Gog, Magog,(Russia) Meshek, and Tubal will attack Israel in the Tribulation. (Read Ezekiel 38-39 and my commentary on the Book of Revelation.) The world will never know peace apart from Jesus Christ! While this world is in turmoil this morning, the children of God know peace in their hearts, John 14:27. When Jesus returns to this earth, He will usher in a genuine peace that will last. If you are looking for peace, you will find it only in Jesus!) C. He Will Be A Man Of Prosperity a Political Genius - Dan. 11:43; Rev. 13:16-17. The Antichrist will eventually control the wealth of the world. He will bring prosperity to those who have lived in poverty. The Antichrist may make great strives to end world hunger. That most people under his reign will be better off financially that they were before he rose to power We have seen corrupt politicians prosper. Even when caught in lies, immorality, graft...people continue to reelect them. Why? Because they are more interested in financial gain than morals and decency. It is reported that most American oppose abortion. Yet, it continues as the law of the land...why? Why vote for a man who promotes abortion...if you are against it? The bottom line? A world leader who can promise and produce prosperity will be a very popular man! D. He Will Be A Man Of Power - Rev. 13:7-8 These verses tell us that Antichrist will eventually rule the entire world. Conquerors down through the ages have sought this lofty goal without success. He will achieve it! What men won't recognize, or won't care about is the fact that he receives his power from Satan himself, Dan. 8:24. He will become so large in the eyes of humanity that they will literally worship him as their god. All of this will be true of him in the beginning of his reign. However, in the middle of the Tribulation, this man of peace and prosperity will show his true colors. This brings us to our third thought concerning this superman from Hell. III. THE ABOMINATIONS OF ANTICHRIST A. He Will Attack The People Of God - Dan. 7:25 The Antichrist will break his covenant with Israel and will attack the people of the Lord. He will try to do what Hitler, Stalin and others failed to do: exterminate the Jew. More than anything, this man will hate everything having to do with God and Jesus Christ. He will lash out at the Jews and try to completely destroy them. We are seeing in our day that this spirit is already at work! It is becoming increasingly unpopular to be a Bible believer. In fact, we are often labeled as being intolerant. You watch and see it that is not the buzz word you hear used against the Christians. We are told that we must tolerate homosexuality and lesbianism. We are told that we must protect the spotted owl while, and the snail darter, but at the same time, we tolerate the murder of millions of innocent unborn children. We are told that we are bigots when we speak out about the evils of society. We are told that we have no voice in the government. We are told to soften our stance. You keep an eye on things in the next few years. If the Lord doesn't return soon, it my become illegal to be a fundamental, Bible-believing Christian! The church us under attack, and this will continue until the Rapture. Then, the focus of Satan's anger will be the nation of Israel.) B. He Will Attack The Prince Of God - Dan. 8:25 - Here, we are told that this Man of Sin will stand up against the "Prince of Princes." This is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ! It appears that anything having to do with godliness, holiness or Christ will be the focus of the attacks of this madman. He will make every effort to stamp out the name of Jesus from the face of the earth. While he is doing this, the Lord will raise an army of young, Jewish men, 144,000 in all, who will go throughout the world preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, Rev. 14. The Antichrist will be powerless to stop them! Aren't you glad that even in the midst of Chaos, God is still on the throne?! Again, this attitude is already being manifested in our day. When was the last time you heard someone use the name of Allah as a curse word? When did you hear someone in a fit of anger make use of the name of Buddha. When was the last time you heard your favorite actor take the word "damn" and place the name of Krishna before it? The fact is, you haven't! And you won't! The name that is attacked with alarming frequency is the name of Jesus! I hear that blessed name used as a byword by a Christ rejecting world and it makes me sick to my stomach. You might as well face it, the devil hates the name of Jesus! He will hate it and he will attempt to discredit it and destroy it until he is cast away in to Hell's flames. Why is it that Jesus, and His doctrines, are the most hated things in the world? Because if men admit the fact that He is Lord, that He died and rose again, that He is in fact the Savior. Then man must admit that he is a sinner or be doomed to Hell. If the Bible is right about Jesus, then it stands to reason that it is right about everything else as well. The world hates His name because it points out their sins! C. He Will Attack The Place Of God - Dan. 8:25; Dan. 11:36-37; Dan. 9:27; 2 Thes. 2:4; Matt. 24:15 - All these verses tell us that the Antichrist will break his 7 year covenant with the Jews. That he will attempt to wipe Israel from the map and that he will enter the newly constructed Temple in Jerusalem, walk into the Holy of Holies and set up his throne. He will declare himself to be God and he will demand worship from all the people, but especially the Jews. He will desecrate their Temple. The Jews IV. THE END OF THE ANTICHRIST A. It Will Be Sudden - Dan 8:25 says that the Antichrist will be "broken without hand." This means that the Antichrist will be defeated, but not by man! His kingdom will be over thrown, but it will be a supernatural defeat. This is made even clearer by Rev. 19:20. When God judges this man, He will do it swiftly and harshly. Defeat is sure for the Antichrist. B. It Will Be Serious - Notice that Revelvation 19:20 says that Antichrist will enter the Lake of Fire alive! Then, 1,000 years later, Satan himself is judged and condemned to the Lake of Fire. When he is thrown in, the Bible tells us that the Beast (false prophet) is still there, Rev. 20:10. In spite of the man's abilities, in spite his power, in spite his greatness, in spite of the fact that he received the worship of men, he is still defeated. All the while he was ruling the world in great power, he was nothing more than a puppet in the hand of God. He was just a pawn fulfilling a divinely directed purpose. This man, like so many others found himself on the wrong side! Conclusion: My friend, the question for each of us is whose side are we really on this morning? Are you in line with the Word of God? Have you trusted Jesus as your personal Savior? If so, you will never see the Antichrist in this world. If so, then you will be in Heaven, in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ while the world writhes under tribulation. If not, then you need to be saved! You are on the wrong side! If the Lord doesn't come in your life time, you will die and go to Hell if you don't get right with God. If He does come and finds you lost, you will enter into the Tribulation and you will probably give your worship to the Antichrist, 2 Thes. 2:12. Where do you stand today? We may wonder what all this has to do with us. The answer is that Jesus is coming and the world is poised to enter a time of trouble like nothing she has ever experienced before. What happens to you all depends on what you do with Jesus Christ. I invite you to come to Him this morning and be saved. If you are saved, I would ask you to look at you life to see if you are pointing men to Jesus or away from Him by the life you live. I do not fear the Antichrist! I will be gone before he makes his appearance. What about you? If you do not trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior you will not be raptured and will enter the terrible Tribulation. Where will you be when Antichrist takes the world by storm? When Daniel looked into these things, he fainted and became ill. He was a godly man! What effect do these words have on your heart this morning?
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