The Wonderful Grace of Jesus Titus 2:11-12 by Cooper Abrams |
Introduction: Word Grace means "unmerited love and favor of God towards man". One never ceases to find new wonders in the Grace of God. Four areas of God wonderful Grace:
a. Our Creator gave us a mind, emotion and WILL.
b. God was pure, wanted that for man, yet man
turned from the righteous of God.
c. Romans 5:8 "But God commended His love for us
in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
2. Even when man rebelled, God still provided a means for us to have eternal life. 2 John 4:9
ILLUS: A new product called "Disposable Guilt Bags" appeared in the marketplace. It consisted of a set of ten ordinary brown bags on which were printed the following instructions: "Place the bag securely over your mouth, take a deep breath and blow all your guilt out, then dispose of the bag immediately." The wonder of this is that the Associated Press reported that 2500 kits had been quickly sold at $2.50 per kit. Would that we could dispose of our guilt so easily.
Released from the bondage of sin into the freedom of Grace.
"For asmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed
with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from
your vain conversation (conduct-life style)
received by tradition from your fathers. But
with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb
without blemish or spot:" 1 Peter 18-19
ILLUS: Song "Amazing Grace."
"Being justified by his grace, we should be heirs according to the hope of eternal life"
1 Peter 1:3. "Blessed be the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant
mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope
by the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
Lively = living hope!
2. Every other (false) religion offers salvation in some form, but they always add some work we must do to earn it. There are churches that claim to worship and believe in Jesus Christ, yet they will not accept God's word. They falsely add their works in hopes of earning salvation.
I could go down the list of denominations, and religions. If we did we would find each will say yes Jesus is our Savior, BUT we must certain rituals, such as:
Baptism, The Lord's Supper (Falsely called the Sacraments)
Join a particular church. Do certain rituals or ceremonies.
3. Nowhere in the Bible does God require us to merit our own salvation.
C. It is Grace that gives us full confidence. Romans 5:2
"..wherein we stand and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God."
D. It is a Grace that is fully sufficient for all our needs and when times are difficult. 2 Cor. 12:7-10
E. It is a Grace that gives us full excess to God. Heb 4:15-16
F. It is a Grace that lets God channel material blessing through us to support the work of God. See 2 Cor. 9:6-8.
ILLUS: At one time J. Wilbur Chapman experienced a great sorrow that nearly shook his faith. In addition, his finances were almost depleted just when it was necessary for him to take a long trip to the western United States. One of the elders of his church who was a wealthy banker came to his home to offer a word of comfort and encouragement. As he left, he slipped a piece of paper into the pastor's hand. Chapman looked at it and was surprised to find that it was a check made out to him and signed by this rich friend. But the figures to indicate the amount of the gift were missing. "Did you really mean to give me a signed blank check?" he asked. "Yes," said the man. "I didn't know how much you'd need, and I wanted to be sure you would have enough."
Later Chapman commented, "While I never had to use that check, it gave me a secure feeling to know that thousands of dollars were literally at my disposal." Someone has said, "God too has given us a signed check in Philippians 4:19 to provide for every genuine need that arises in our lives."
G. It is a Grace that sees us even through death.
1 Thess. 5:9-11, "for God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ..."
But it must be taken!!!! It gives you know value or benefit apart from the individual who would seek after God, and received the gift.
2. It is sad to say, so many die and never accept the gift of God, his wonderful Grace.
3. Suppose:
A young father was dying of high blood pressure but did not know of his condition. He had some minor discomfort, and went in for a check up. The doctor tells him he has very high blood pressure and if not checked will in time cause a stroke and his death. The doctor tell him of the good news of a medicine to cure the problem.
Most would rush out and get the medicine as soon as possible. What a tragedy it would be if the young father refused?
His wife begs him, his children who love their dad, urge him, his friends who have taken the cure encourage him and tell what the medicine did for them.
Yet he refuses. He says the doctor doesn't know what he is talking about. I'm a man, healthy as a horse, I don't need the cure. Maybe he even accepts the doctors diagnosis, but decides he will put off taking the medicine at some future time. Maybe he would say...well I guess it would be nice, but I'll do it tomorrow or soon for sure.
Maybe he would refuse saying that it would be too embarrassing to have people think he was sick and needed help. You know, a lot of people think themselves sophisticated to accept God's forgiveness. Some are too embarrassed being afraid of what their friends may think. They may think it makes them look weak to believe in Jesus Christ.
That would be a real tragedy wouldn't it?
What of the greater tragedy of the fact that we all have a disease called sin. It will surely lead to our destruction, death and hell for all eternity. Yet, there is a sure and absolute cure for our sins.
That cure was made by Christ's death on the cross. It is called God's grace.
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)
He paid the sin debt of all who live. He offers the free gift of Grace that brought and paid for our sins and many have believed in Him and received salvation and the cure for our sins. Yet many will never receive the gift of eternal life simply because they would not in faith just take what was freely offer.
Be honest with yourself before the God who made you. You are a sinner and your sin if not cured will bring eternal death and damnation. Why not simply put aside any excuse you might have and believe God.
A. It is love manifested.
1. Foundational truth is that God loved the World
in spite of man's rebellion against Him. John 3:16
B. It is mercy freely given. Titus 3:3-7
Note V5, Not of works..but according to his mercy.
The creature rebelled against the creator, yet the
Creator still showed mercy and extended Grace.
(Unmerited favor)
C. It is the riches of God bestowed. Eph. 1:7
The grace of God brings redemption: Christ paying the price for us who can not pay. By the ransom of Christ's blood. It is the removal of the curse of the law. We are sinners guilty under the law.
D. It is the promise of eternal life. Titus 1:2
There is nothing on this earth powerful enough in itself to dispose of our guilt. We cannot fix ourselves, which is what many of us are trying to do. That which makes it possible to be forgiven, to be cleansed, to be healed, that which makes it possible for us to receive our life back again, fresh and clean and new, is the power of God's Grace in the Cross of Jesus Christ.
"In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie promised before the world began."
Titus 3:7.
A. It is the Grace of God that saves us through
faith. Eph. 2:8-9
1. Only the true Gospel of the Bible, offers salvation apart from works!
B. It is a Grace that protects and keeps us. Romans 8:27-28
2 Cor. 5:8, Absent from the body present with the Lord.
1. The Grace of God is an unmerited favor..a gift freely given......
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