The Greatest Gift There Every Was And How to You Can Receive it. Romans 5:12-21 by Cooper Abrams |
2. I was watching a new report and reporters were interviewing people about their thoughts on Christmas. The one major problem that people mentioned over and over was what kind of gift to give.
b. There is always a problem when money is tight and you have a lot of relatives and friends. You want to give them all something really nice, but you do not have the funds, so you do the best you can.
God gave Himself for His creation man. This is the greatest demonstration of love the world has ever seen.
2. Death and sin since has ruled in the world and all men like their fathers are born sinners.
3. Sin caused man to come under the judgment of God. A holy and righteous God must condemn sin and thus man is faced with the surety of death and the certainty of condemnation because of sin.
4. Therefore mankind after Adam and Eve sinned was in a dilemma. Man was separated from God who is holy and righteous. Man had no way to save himself from death or restore fellowship or be reconciled to God.
2. As Romans 5:15 states God's free gift was redemption from sin and death. Please note that redemption is stated as being a gift. A gift is something someone gives you because they want you to have it. A gift is not earned or merited. I worked for a company and each year I would receive a Christmas bonus. It was called a was earned because of my being employed was not a gift.
• Another word is "dorsis" which refers to matter of crediting an account for because of a debt. This is not the word used here.
• The Greek word used translated "gift" is "dorea" meaning a something that is freely bestowed on another. In other words God the donor is gratuitously giving grace to those who will receive it.
Note is was by the righteous of Christ, not man's righteousness or good works justification came to men. It was a "dorea" a free gift offered by God.
4. V17 Adam sinned and brought on all mankind condemnation...yet when Christ came He brought life.
Do you notice that everywhere the Bible speaks of salvation through Jesus is always a total work of Christ...not the work of man.
Verse 17 says those that receive abundance of grace of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one....Jesus Christ!
Two things are seen here. One grace is something that is received and second the gift of grace and righteous is by Jesus Christ alone. Grace is not given based on merit only on one's believe and willingness to place their faith and trust in the work of Jesus Christ.
2. John 3:16, "For God so loved the World....he that believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." 3. Rom 10:9-10, "If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and BELIEVE in your heart. For with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation."
[2] Result is it produces action. One confesses his believe and trust in Christ. [3] It is not receiving or being inclined toward some new philosophy. It involves one realizing they are a sinner and nothing that sin brings death, they turn to God who freely offers totally forgiveness, eternal life and heaven. There is not conjecture in God offer....not conditions other than to receive it.
2. On the other hand, some express a different attitude. They may read the Bible, know that is what God has said and yet respond by saying, "God, you have a good thought, I appreciate it, but you don't understand my circumstances." Or one may say "God that really sounds good, I would like you forgive me and let me go to heaven, but I do not want to get all carried away with this religion business. I want to live my life as I please and do not want to be changing it."
The true faith of many is tested when they are told they are to believe the Bible, God's word and follow it
3. Timothy 3:16-17 says about the Bible, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."
You see God plan for man is for him to live the best life possible and that means a life of righteous obeying God. However, some want heaven but want nothing to do with righteousness as Jesus stated in John 3:19.
The lost man or the false Christians says, give me heaven but let me live my life as I want too.
2. What does it mean to feign? Look at a little girl playing with her doll. What ever the doll may look like whether it be one that walks, talks and drinks and wets, OR one that is made of rags to that little girl it is her baby.
She rocks it to sleep, talks baby talk to it; she may even scold it.
A young boy, plays policeman, fireman or air plane pilot.
He pretends to be a soldier, superman, ninja turtle. But is he what he pretends to be? How can you know?
3. All of us know that the world is full of sham, make believe and the unreal.
b. Folks try and substitute a lot of things for faith, and they place their faith in a lot of things that are not real.
c. Faith is not a leap into the dark. True faith must be based on something that is true.
To believe or have faith in something that is not real is worthless.
We could use a lot of examples of false gods people sincerely believe in. A native in the jungle worships a snake. A missionary I heard speak while in a missions class at school said in the village in South America where he worked worshiped the python. One came into the village and took a young child and the people cried and begged it not to kill and eat the child, but they would do nothing to stop the snake and it ate the child. A false god cannot hear nor can he save.
Yet, joining a church does not save, nor doing even many great works, or being kind, or even showing love. All these things are greatly needed, but they are not God's plan of salvation.
A feigned faith is not real no matter how sincere the person may be. In time feigned faith is exposed as not being real because it does not a change in one's life. It does not bring inward peace, satisfaction and assurance because God is not in it and only true salvation brings peace and joy to a ones soul. It never brings a personal and comforting relationship with God.
False faith, is false leaves one empty, abandoned and helplessly lost. It does not fill the void in our lives.
False faith is worse that no faith, because it lures folks into thinking that they have the real thing when they don't.
Folks who have real biblical faith are saved and know they will go to heaven! Folks who have a feigned faith are lost and on their way to hell!
We are married to Christ. How many husbands and wives did not have their lives changed when they began to live with their spouses? The answer is none.
However, Biblical or unfeigned faith knows God by the heart. It is a personal relationship.
God promise to those who believe is simple and absolute:
2. His life is changed. "Therefore if any man {be} in Christ, {he is} a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17
3. Receiving God's gift of Salvation is receiving Jesus Christ into one's life. Any other kind of expressed faith is false.
4. It is Christmas time, a time to be thankful for the coming of the Savior.
It should be a time when all men examine their hearts and determine once for all if they have truly received Jesus as their Savior.
Second it is a time when those who are saved should share the greatest gift on earth...that is the Gospel with those around us.
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