vs | Why Do I Post Information About Mormonism? |
I have lived in Utah since 1986 and I know from personal experience that the most members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are very sincere in their beliefs. I also admire the faithfulness of many of them to their church. I can also understand that when someone questions the validity of their beliefs that can be offensive and be perceived as a personal attack or what the LDS call "Mormon bashing." But in my approach to witnessing to Mormons I try to challenge them to examine the teachings of their church to what God's says in His word the Bible. The truth does not lie in what men, churches, modern popes, religious leaders or prophets. The authority of what is true or false rests completely with God's word which is the Bible.
I have a good number of LDS friends who I respect and care for. Those who personally know me know this is true. But the problem is that for most Mormons, the only teaching they have ever heard came from what their church told them. They are not taught the Bible even though it is one of their Scriptures. Their authority is not the Bible, but the teaching of their church prophets and leaders. The Mormon people have been told that all other churches are wrong and of the Devil. The LDS goes so far at to forbid its members from reading any "non-Mormon" literature even though it urges non-Mormons to read their material and Bible. I ask why? Biblical Christians are encouraged to examine themselves continually as 2 Corinthians 13:5 says, to "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?" These dear people are trusting in their prophet, church teachings to tell them how to have eternal life rather than examining their beliefs in light of what God has said.
But no matter how large or powerful a church may be, only its adherence to God's word determines if it is real or false. Only God's plan of salvation which is the true Gospel can save a person. (Click here to read what the Bible says is God's true plan of salvation) Only our real God and Creator exists and only He came to earth, suffered and died for our sins and therefore only He can save. False gods and the idols of men cannot save because they only exist in the imaginations of men's minds. (See Romans 1:20-25)
The problem is that it is God, not churches, or prophets, determines how we are to go to heaven and He has clearly revealed in His plan in the Bible as to how we can have forgiveness of sin, eternal life, and a place in heaven when we die. A "gospel" that is different from the biblical Gospel is a false gospel and cannot save. The LDS prophets and church claims to have received modern revelation from God, however their revelations are in direct opposition to what God has revealed in the Bible. Even their very concept of God is different from what the Bible says. For example their doctrine is that God was once a man and is even now a god of "flesh and bone." God tells us in His word that He is Spirit and was never a man.(John 4:24, Num. 23:19) That should present a serious problem for any Mormon who is taught that the King James Bible is God's word. (If you are interested in learning the difference between the god of Mormon and the God of the Bible please click this line.)
Here in lies the problem. What the LDS church teaches in its doctrines about God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the Gospel is absolutely not what the Bible teaches. That is a shocking and bewildering statement and the majority of the Mormons would not consider that it could be true and investigate the matter. Therefore if men believe these false teachings, even sincerely, they are not accepting God's revealed truth. Those that follow a false way, refusing to believe God's truth, will be lost and spend eternity in hell. (John 3:36) Jesus warned us in Matthew 7:13-15, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." I do not want to see anyone spend eternity in hell because they were deceived. I am trying in my feeble way to reach out to them so they too may receive the real Jesus Christ as their Savior and receive eternal life.
Am I wrong to want to warn men of the pit falls that Satan has laid to mislead men; pitfalls such as false teaching, prophets, leaders, and churches? The answer is NO. I have a responsibility and mandate from God to tell others the Good News (Gospel 1 Cor. 15:1-4) that Jesus Christ died for the sins of men and by simple faith in Him they can be saved and become a child of God. (Matt. 28:19-20, Acts 1:8)
Over the years many times Mormons have asked me questions about what I believed as a born again, biblical Christian and Baptist. Often the conversation has been one of them asking questions and of me defending my biblical faith. I have always gladly and cordially answered every question without taking offense. I always welcome any opportunity to share what the Bible teaches with others. I encourage others to read the Bible for themselves and compare their beliefs with what God had said. That way the Bible, not me reveals the truth.
In presenting these articles on my web page, and addressing the unbiblical teaching of the LDS church, I would hope that Mormons would honestly test their beliefs against the Bible and see for themselves what is true and what is not. I have spent the past thirty years studying the Bible, which includes nine years of formal education resulting in thre earned degrees in Bible,(ThB, MBS, PhD) that I might accurately present what God has said. I urge people to study my articles with an open Bible to verify that what is stated is accurate.
My articles are not intended to offend nor are they presented in a spirit of hostility. I strongly reject to that approach that many who are trying to win Mormons to Christ take. I deeply care for the souls of men. That's what happens when God saves a person....they care for the souls of others. If the LDS teachings are true, then they should be able to stand the test of honest examination and the Mormons should welcome the opportunity prove them. If it does not stand the test of the Bible, then Mormons should seek for God's truth in His Word and acknowledge their error. Hopefully, they would then receive the "real" Jesus Christ as their Savior and ask forgiveness for their sin. God has promised to save all who will.
I always welcome any questions and comments. I will, in a timely way, respond to all who take the time to honestly and with a positive spirit ask questions. I will not engage in Mormon "bashing". . . or. . . in Baptist bashing either! (Ha Ha). However, I will be biblical, frank and straight forward in my answers. I will not compromise God's word.
In response to those who occasionally e-mail and accuse me of "Mormon bashing" may I offer a comment. According Webster's Dictionary "bashing" means to strike with a violent blow or smash. The information I post is not bashing, but is comparing the teachings of the LDS church with the teachings of the Bible. I think what I am doing is "Mormon doctrine comparison." I am not offended at Mormons who do not believe the Bible, but I deeply care for their souls. I think Mormons should seriously test their beliefs with the Bible as the Bereans did in Acts 17:11 and as I have done. Speaking of the Bereans the Bible says, "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and search the scriptures daily, whether those things were truth."
If a person does not want to believe the Bible, God will not force them to nor will God will not violate a person's will. One can chose to accept truth or reject it. . . but a person must understand also that all will be held responsible for their decision. What I wish is that Mormons would have the full information on which to make their decision.
As for me I choose to believe and put my faith in God's "only begotten" Son, the Lord Jesus Christ and God's word the Bible. With all my heart I hope you will too.
Cooper Abrams